Stuff Happens…but Jesus is Enough People ask me all the time, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” And my response is always, “Stuff just happens—to good people and to bad people.” Now I could go into all the spiritual reasons why stuff … [Read more]
The Law Written on Our Hearts is not the Ten Commandments
“This is the covenant I will make with them after that time,” says the Lord. “I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” (Heb 10:16) “This is obviously a reference to the law of Moses,” says the law-preacher. “The Ten … [Read more]
Two Good Books on Healing
When you’re sick, the last thing you want to hear are pithy, powerless platitudes from people who are healthy. What you want to hear is good news from someone who has experience healing the sick. This is why I recommend two outstanding books on … [Read more]
The God Who Is Love
As a little girl I remember so well the desire to please my dad. I did everything I could to gain his attention and his trust. I craved that validation. Then in high school I did something I wasn’t supposed to do. He was so angry that he looked … [Read more]
What about Ananias and Sapphira?
Recently in Connecticut, a pastor stood in front of his church and confessed to the sin of adultery. Then the pastor fell down dead, right in front of everyone. This proves that God expects his people to live holy lives and if they don’t, he’ll kill … [Read more]
The Number One Verse on the Old Covenant
Some time ago I published a list of the top 12 verses on the new covenant. It seems only fair that I also give some air-time to the number one verse on the old covenant. Here it is: “It is finished” (Joh 19:30). What is finished? That old … [Read more]
It Is Finished
On this day darkness met light Sin met righteousness Life met death A reconciliation of all things and all people into One Not a sin forgotten not a nationality left out For God so loved the whole world For God’s plan included the whole world And … [Read more]
Experiencing the Goodness of God
God has always been after personal relationship with man—that’s why we were created. When God began dealing with man, it wasn’t enough for Him to just become “Abraham’s God.” God desired that each generation would know Him for themselves. He had to … [Read more]
The 9 Lies of Religion
“I came into the world to testify to the truth,” said Jesus. “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me” (John 18:37). These are strong words. If Jesus put them on his Facebook page he’d get roasted. “Jesus, how dare you claim to have the inside … [Read more]
Continue in the Grace of God
In the New Testament we are exhorted to continue in God’s kindness (Romans 11:22), continue in the faith (Colossians 1:23), continue in the teaching of Christ (2 John 1:9), and continue in what we have learned and been convinced of (2 Tim 3:14). In … [Read more]
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1–8)
The strangest parable Jesus ever told was about a man who cheats on his boss and is then praised for doing so (see Luke 16:1–8). The parable of the shrewd manager (or the unjust steward) is puzzling. What is Jesus trying to tell us? That it’s okay to … [Read more]
Consider the Severity of God (Romans 11:22)
Whenever I tell people about God’s goodness, I can just about guarantee that someone will call for balance and say I should also preach on God’s severity. Then they will quote this verse: Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those … [Read more]