Escape to Reality is six years old today – hooray! – so this seems like a good opportunity to take a moment to reflect on the past and future of the blog. Since our last birthday I have published 58 new articles. The most popular was “The 9 lies of … [Read more]
How does our new nature help us overcome sin?
God remember our sins no more meaning that he does not count them against us. Now of course he sees it when we sin and he doesn't want us to sin but wants to help us overcome sin. The truth is we don't really need the Holy Spirit to point out our sin … [Read more]
“When Prayer Fails, Try Praise.” Really?
Sometimes phrases just stand out on my screen and almost shout at me to think about them. These are "Really?" moments, and the title was one of these. Every day I look through a list of ebooks under the broad umbrella of "Christianity." Usually there … [Read more]
You May Freely Eat! (podcast)
I am posting a message I did at The Gathering Place in Dyersburg, TN. I believe this is one of the most important messages I have ever released. Many people see God as being stingy, miserly and withholding. They see Him as angry and judgmental. … [Read more]
The “present age” is in the past.
One of the most confusing things is to try to understanding the meaning of “end of the age.” While many will tell you it is the end of the world it is actually an end to an age. Theologians call it the end of the Mosaic … [Read more]
533. Carry Your Own Cross?
When we assume Jesus was always speaking to us personally, we may get the covenants confused and miss the point of the message being spoken to those who were under the law at that time. A true disciple becomes like their teacher, which would mean … [Read more]
What else is there for Jesus to save you from?
Whenever you tell someone that even the unbelievers are forgiven on the cross, people will call us universalists. They then ask you if so and so are saved. Firstly when Jesus died they were no believers with the possible … [Read more]
Good News About God
The apostle Paul, in recounting his ministry to the Christians of his day, said, “I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19). I believe that on this website and in my books and spoken ministry I have shared more than you … [Read more]
Pure Religion (James 1:27)
Religion is bad. By definition, religion is a kind of bondage, which means there’s no such thing as good religion. But what about James who said this: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows … [Read more]
What is the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings?
This is the second post in my series on everybody’s favorite topic: suffering. Again, the reason I feel compelled to write about this is because I have not heard much in-depth -mention about it in modern Western Christianity. In the … … [Read more]
What is the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings?
This is the second post in my series on everybody’s favorite topic: suffering. Again, the reason I feel compelled to write about this is because I have not heard much in-depth -mention about it in modern Western Christianity. In the … … [Read more]
What is the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings?
This is the second post in my series on everybody’s favorite topic: suffering. Again, the reason I feel compelled to write about this is because I have not heard much in-depth -mention about it in modern Western Christianity. In the … … [Read more]
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