A Bible verse often quoted is when Jesus told His Jewish disciples that if they did not forgive others for their sins, neither would God forgive them for their sins. In context, we see that Jesus wasn’t speaking to all future believers, but rather to … [Read more]
839. Forgiven and Delivered From the Power of Darkness
In spite of whatever struggles and challenges come our way within this fallen world, God has declared us forgiven and that we have been delivered from the power of darkness. God has transferred us into His kingdom, it’s His blood that resulted in … [Read more]
The Vulnerability of Jesus
As we celebrate this Christmas Season I am intrigued more than ever about the eternal Son of God actually becoming a human being. In theological terms, it’s called the Incarnation. Christmas is the time that we celebrate the birth of … [Read more]
Why did God Hate Esau and Love Jacob?
God loves the whole world. He loves everyone – you, me, your neighbor. He loves presidents and prime ministers. He loves scandal-plagued clerics and drug-ridden athletes. He loves runaway dads and negligent mothers. God loves everyone… except … [Read more]
A Christmas Message from Paul
A year ago I asked a question. “Lord, I’ve been writing E2R for years. What’s next?” It’s not that I was tired of telling people about grace; far from it. It’s just that blogging wasn’t as challenging as it used to be. I wanted to try something … [Read more]
838. Forgiven, Not Condemned – By the Riches of His Grace
As believers in Christ, there is no condemnation at all, unlike there was for Jewish people who were in a works-based covenant which depended on their (failed) attempts at commandment-keeping. They were stuck in a state of condemnation within a … [Read more]
Why did Mary Find Favor with God?
Imagine God asked you to recruit the mother of the Messiah. Two women have been shortlisted, and you have been asked to pick the best one. The first woman has an impeccable pedigree being descended from Aaron the high priest; the other is a nobody … [Read more]
837. Our Works Are Not Our Own – We Have Nothing to Boast About
You’ll catch a few headlines about grace through faith where religion rules, but far too often the focus becomes about our works and what we do to try and get closer to God, increase a fleshly morality, etc. We continue this week on the subject of … [Read more]
Are you Complementarian, Egalitarian, or Something Else?
Hi friends, This week marks the first anniversary of the release of my book The Silent Queen: Why the Church Needs Women to Find their Voice. I just checked and I am surprised to find it is my highest-rated book on Amazon. Thank you! To mark … [Read more]
836. Saved by Grace Through Faith – Not of Works
We’re jumping into Ephesians this week and landing on a few popular verses in the 2nd chapter. Paul is revealing the good news of salvation which comes by grace through faith, apart from works. It’s right there in black and white, but the legal … [Read more]
Making Church Skits Cool Again
As a teenager, I was in the church drama team. It was cool. On Fridays we’d rehearse, and on Sunday’s we’d perform. We were so good that we were invited to perform in other churches. But were we that good? In hindsight, I wonder if we were. … [Read more]
835. Things Seldom Heard in Church: You Are Righteous – Apart From Works
We continue our discussion this week on the differences between faith and works. When it comes to salvation and justification, it has to be one or the other, and the Apostle Paul made it clear within the revelation of the New Covenant, we are not … [Read more]
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