A man once asked me a question: “I want to show my friends that the gospel of grace is not the latest fad. Can you direct me to some early church teachings on grace?” I replied, “How about the New Testament? Much of what I know about grace comes … [Read more]
Last chance to get “The Happy, Wondrous, Divine Exchange”
Just a gentle reminder that you have about 24 hours to take advantage of our special offer. “What special offer?” Sign up as a patron by Saturday and you will receive my latest ebook, The Happy, Wondrous, Divine Exchange. My book tells the … [Read more]
The World’s Most Popular Sermon
Many years ago I heard a sermon that radically changed my understanding of the cross. The sermon was recorded on a cassette tape in 1987, and it is no exaggeration to say that this was one of the most influential sermons in my journey to … [Read more]
Is God’s Love Unconditional?
“Is God’s love really unconditional? The phrase unconditional love is not even in the Bible!” Ever heard that one? How about this one: “God’s love is unconditional, but…” Statements like these make me shake my head in wonder. What do you … [Read more]
What is the Hour of Testing Coming on the Whole World?
Once again, the world seems on the brink of destruction. Pandemics, terrorism, nuclear threats. Could this be the end? It probably isn’t, but it is an excellent time to discuss “the hour of testing” that Jesus mentioned in his letter to the church … [Read more]
851. The Blood of the New Covenant
Blood was a big deal in the Old Covenant which came by way of Moses. The entire law and everything that came with it was dedicated with blood. It turns out it was just symbolic for something far superior that would come later—the blood of Jesus. … [Read more]
Jesus and His Limitations
One of my favorite passages of Scripture is John 1:1-18. I love John’s introduction and how he introduces us to the Logos of God. Particularly descriptive is John 1:14 where John tells us that the Word became flesh and dwelt among … [Read more]
What does the Bible Say About the Flesh?
The flesh is one of the most confusing words in the Bible. What does it mean? And is the flesh good or bad? Why did Paul say he was alive in the flesh but then say he had crucified the flesh? Why does he say the body of the flesh has been … [Read more]
850. Old Covenant: Purified Flesh (Dead Works); New Covenant: Purified Conscience
The law of works left people in a state of hopelessness through a system of failed commandment-keeping and repeated animal sacrifices seeking more and more forgiveness. Jesus offered Himself one time to free people from that ministry of condemnation … [Read more]
Are Women Weaker Vessels?
Running through the tapestry of human history is a sexist thread that says women are weaker and inferior to men. They are second-born and second-best. This is what the philosophers and rabbis taught, as did the Church Fathers and theologians. John … [Read more]
849. Jesus Secured an Eternal Redemption (Hebrews 9)
We’re back to discussing the surety of our forgiveness contained within the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews provides us with many contrasts, comparing the Old Covenant to the New. The law of regulations contained … [Read more]
Start with Compassion and Mercy, Not Judgment
Judging a person or situation is so easy. There’s really no thought involved or consideration of circumstances. You simply throw out your opinion on the matter and, of course, you are always right in your assessment of the situation (be … [Read more]
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