Was the Apostle Paul confused when he wrote Romans 2:13? Because this verse doesn’t seem to belong in the Bible: For it is not the hearers of the law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. (Romans 2:13) Doers of … [Read more]
859. The Law Abolished – Nailed to the Cross
Our third program in the series takes a look at how the Mosaic law was something that had kept people from God, from righteousness, and from a covenant of grace. While it had been meant to ultimately lead the Jewish nation to a Savior, in this New … [Read more]
What is the Sin Leading to Death?
There are different types of sin, and some more serious than others. Apparently we should pray for those who do the lighter sins, but not waste time praying for those who do the bad ones. Ever heard that? It comes from this verse: If anyone … [Read more]
858. The Law Abolished – The Seed Came and Broke Down the Wall
Prior to the ratification of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, we find that there was a barrier, a middle wall of separation which was keeping the Jews from attaining righteousness … and the other 99% of the world without a covenant at all. At the … [Read more]
852. Escaping From a Consciousness of Sins
This week, church pastors around the world will be providing sermons about sin, sinning less, seeking more forgiveness because of new sins, and perhaps erroneously declaring how sin is separating you from God. Avoiding sinful behavior is good … [Read more]
853. The Will of God: The Sacrifice of Jesus
Isn’t it interesting how God never desired burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin which were offered according to the law inside of the first (old) covenant? All of that work, toil, effort and slaughter … and God took no pleasure in any of it.On the … [Read more]
854. Jesus Took a Seat – Already Forgiven and Sanctified
Within the first covenant, the Jewish priests offered sacrifices daily for the sins of the people and for their own sins. The job was never complete, sins were still on record since the blood of bulls and goats couldn’t take them away, so the priests … [Read more]
855. Full Assurance of Faith Compared to “Scary” Bible Verses
The writer of the book of Hebrews is providing his Jewish audience with a revelation of how the sacrifice of Jesus did what the previous covenant could not. Jesus established a new and different covenant resulting in sins being taken away forever—to … [Read more]
856. Sin Happened. Feeling Condemned? Grace Says No!
Traditional Christianity has largely taught people to develop a consciousness (or constant awareness) of sin and sinful behavior. When one falls or fails, they have been programmed by empty religion to confess their wrongdoing and seek/beg God for … [Read more]
857. The Law Abolished – But First Fulfilled
The law of commandments came through Moses during the first covenant made with Israel. There are some in both legalistic and grace circles who will teach things about this law from very different covenant perspectives, but will often both be of the … [Read more]
What Does it Mean to Fall from Grace?
“Did you hear about that celebrity pastor and his secretary? What a fall from grace!” The fall-from-grace phrase is sometimes used to describe famous people who have fallen into sin, but that is not what fall from grace means in the Bible. When … [Read more]
What is the Definition of Sin?
What is sin? Some define sin as transgression of God’s law. “We need to keep the law because ‘sin is lawlessness’” (see 1 John 3:4). Okay, but which law? “We have to keep all of the commands.” Including the ones about not wearing poly-blend … [Read more]
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