The world needed a Savior who could fulfill the law for us and bring us into a better covenant of grace. Perfection would come to us, but not by what we do. Grace isn’t cheap, it cost Jesus everything and it was free for us. But cheap law dominates many man-made church doctrines and leads people away from the gospel.
801. The 800 Club: Looking Back – The Law-Based Words of Jesus
We’ve been accused of hyper grace by legalistic “ministries” who have stated we’re running from the words of Jesus. We’re actually running to the words of Jesus but prefer to consider them within the proper context of both the Old and New covenants.
•The Non-Christian Teachings of Jesus (Growing in Grace #444)
•Why Jesus Taught Two Covenants (series) (Click for Part 1, then click "Newer Post" for each subsequent episode.)
•Why Jesus Taught Two Covenants (YouTube playlist)
795. Paul: One Gospel, One Covenant – There Is No Longer Jew and Gentile
Continuing to review nuggets of grace from the Apostle Paul, we’re in the book of Galatians and the first part of Ephesians. Paul emphasizes grace over works as he refers to an (unearned) inheritance received in Christ, where believers are no longer viewed as Jews and Gentile, slave or free, male or female. We are all one in Christ, where there is one gospel message of grace for all. The previous covenant from Mt. Sinai brought spiritual bondage but we’ve all been brought into a new and different covenant, where we’ve been sealed with the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance—resulting in freedom in Christ.
786. Christmas: Just Exactly What Are We Celebrating?
The real celebration with God entering the world as a human is that He would do a work resulting in justification, forgiveness, redemption, righteousness and so much more—which He extended through perfect love by grace. This is why believers have peace with God. The Savior brought faith and life—and it’s much more excellent than a religious system of works which falls short. When it comes to your celebration this year, don’t keep hanging out at the manger, but remember the ultimate result of what it brought.
766. God Withholds No Good Thing – If You Walk Uprightly (And Now the Bad News…)
But what if the message turns out to be a misapplied myth or fable that isn’t really compatible with the gospel of grace? We look at once such example this week from Psalms 84:11 … where a conditional promise was announced for those under the Mosaic law who walked uprightly. The problem? Nobody ever accomplished it. But God provided another solution that wasn’t based on our walk.
764. Inheriting Eternal Life: Jesus Said to Keep the Law?
So when someone would ask Jesus “what must they do” to inherit eternal life, He answered their law-based question with a law-based answer in order to bring them to the end of themselves. When looking forward to the New Covenant, He revealed life would be received by believing in Him.
763. The Essence of Hypocrisy: Try to Keep the Law
Those who desire to keep one foot in the “land of the legal” have coached the sheep to do their best to follow the Ten Commandments and other selective parts of the law which came to Israel through Moses. This is one of the most hypocritical and misunderstood pieces of legalistic legislation to ever hit the church. We point out just a few of the inconsistencies.
761. The Ten Commandments No Longer Have Glory
His fruit now abides in us because He abides in us … and we bear what He produces. This is a more powerful and liberating way to live than to pursue the flesh by trying to keep stone-tablet commandments that leave people in lifeless condemnation. For those who think the top 10 were somehow separate from the rest of the law and are meant to still apply, we address the hypocrisy of this.
760. Contrasting the Ten Commandments With the Gospel
The Ten Commandments is our starting point on this week’s program, with more to come in the weeks ahead. The Apostle Paul called those stone tablets from the Old Covenant the ministry of death and condemnation—hardly a recipe for life and peace.
757. Hebrews 11: Past Giants of Faith Didn’t Receive What Was Promised
After describing the faith of these people, at the end of the chapter he explains that none of them were able to receive what was originally promised. They were not able to be made perfect through their actions. But we have received the promise through something better—the New Covenant of Jesus Christ. He is our faith, our assurance and our guarantee. It surpasses the faith of those who could perform righteous acts without ever attaining righteousness, which could only come through the person of Jesus.
753. Hebrews 10: No More Offerings = No More Forgiveness Required
The removal of sins and the end of sacrifices brought a complete forgiveness, once for all. No more forgiveness is being offered because the offerings stopped and no further blood is being shed. Blood no longer needs to be poured out when sins have been thrown as far as the east is from the west.
On this podcast we referred to a blog post written by Joel a few years ago called Instant and Permanent Sanctification, as well as a previous podcast in our current Hebrews series, Hebrews 8: One Bible - Two Different Covenants (Not to Be Mixed).
749. Hebrews 9: The New Covenant Began With Christ’s Death
The New Covenant couldn’t go into effect while the testator still lived. And like the first covenant, it would need to be established with blood. But this time, the blood being shed by the High Priest would do something very different that had never occurred before the cross during the Old Covenant era.
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