The Million Dollar Question
Establishing A New Heart
As a believer, you already have the very life of God right here and now! God preplanned for us to have His life from the beginning of time (Eph. 2:10).
Before we were saved, our hearts were established in a belief system based on worldly views, self-effort and performance. But when we accept Jesus, we are regenerated in spirit and in heart!
A New Heart
“A new HEART also will I give you, and a new SPIRIT will I put within you: and I will take away the stony HEART out of your flesh, and I will give you an HEART of flesh.” —Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV)
Something supernatural and spiritual happens IN and TO us; we are recreated in Christ and given a new heart. But unfortunately, many people continue to re-establish their hearts in the same old belief system that they had before.
Developing the Heart
Proverbs says, that we are to incline our ears to the Word, keep them in the midst of our hearts (Prov. 4:20-27). Why? Because the Word will never be life and health to us unless it works from a believing heart!
Re-establishing the Heart
Proverbs also tells us our hearts are like the human equivalent of a computer operating system!
“Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts!” —Proverbs 4:23 (MSG)
When the Bible speaks of the heart, it’s talking about our deepest convictions, persuasions, and belief-system.
Believing only takes place in the heart.
“For as he (man) thinketh (BELIEVETH) in his heart, so is he….”—Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)
Thinketh means to calculate; to estimate the price or market value.
It’s clear that what we believe, esteem, and value in our hearts determines who and what we are! If a man’s “default” belief system is not correct, he won’t think or function correctly.
God Ministers to Your Spirit
God ministers to your spirit through the Holy Spirit. As a believer, you have already been made fully complete and mature in the spirit through Christ— wanting and lacking nothing (Col. 2:8-10). You cannot grow or mature spiritually any more than you are already!
When we accept Jesus, we are regenerated in spirit and in heart!
The Five-Fold Ministry Ministers to the Soul
God has established the five-fold ministry for the perfecting of the saints (Eph. 4:11-13).
Perfecting comes from the root word meaning to mend. Thayer’s defines it as: to render, complete, to mend (what has been broken or rent), to repair or to complete and make whole!
The five-fold ministry ministers to the soul of a believer to repair his mind, will, and emotions.
Only You Can Guard and Minister to Your Heart
Mark Twain said, “It’s not what you don’t know that’ll kill you. It’s what you know for sure that isn’t true that will kill you.”
Others cannot guard, protect, and minister to your heart for you.
Today, many people have stopped taking responsibility for their own lives, blaming someone or something else for their circumstances. Anytime you blame someone else, you unknowingly sabotage your life and hinder your success.
It’s not so much about what is right or wrong. What’s more important is whether what you are exposing your heart to is going to bring life or death. Only you can guard your heart.
The Ways of Death!
There is a way that seems right, and all things are lawful, but how is it affecting your heart? (1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23)
Throughout Scripture, we find those who were chosen and anointed by God, but because they didn’t guard their hearts, they lost their ministries, kingdoms, and some even their lives!
Guarding your heart is one of the most important things you can do on a daily basis!
Guard Your Heart with Truth
Jesus explained that the degree of attention we give to the truth we hear will determine what we get from it (Mk. 4:23-25). He was saying that whatever we listen to and focus on will increase, grow, and multiply in our hearts and lives.
The condition of your heart determines how much you will live and enjoy the abundant life!
Arthur Meintjes
767. “Delight in the Law of the Lord”
On this side of the cross, we now know that law which Israel was under couldn’t deliver the right-standing with God that they were seeking. Prosperity came only by an element of grace because nobody ever met the requirement of the law. Today, we don’t meditate on that law which has been declared obsolete, weak and useless when it comes to attaining life or sanctification. We aren’t under it and Israel was freed from it! They’ll even try to interchange the word “Word” by substituting it for what the Scripture calls “law.” So be on the lookout when the pulpit tries to twist the context.
Under Grace, God Gives Us What Jesus Deserves, Not What We Deserve
766. God Withholds No Good Thing – If You Walk Uprightly (And Now the Bad News…)
But what if the message turns out to be a misapplied myth or fable that isn’t really compatible with the gospel of grace? We look at once such example this week from Psalms 84:11 … where a conditional promise was announced for those under the Mosaic law who walked uprightly. The problem? Nobody ever accomplished it. But God provided another solution that wasn’t based on our walk.
765. Under Law, Sin Increased – But Grace Abounded More
The good news is meant to be centered upon Jesus and His completed work, having fulfilled the law on our behalf. As Romans 5 explains, sin entered the world through Adam and it increased under the law given to Israel. But where sin increased, grace super-abounded all the more. Sin is not stronger than the blood of Jesus.
Anger Management Made Easy
764. Inheriting Eternal Life: Jesus Said to Keep the Law?
So when someone would ask Jesus “what must they do” to inherit eternal life, He answered their law-based question with a law-based answer in order to bring them to the end of themselves. When looking forward to the New Covenant, He revealed life would be received by believing in Him.
God’s People Flourish In Troubled Times
763. The Essence of Hypocrisy: Try to Keep the Law
Those who desire to keep one foot in the “land of the legal” have coached the sheep to do their best to follow the Ten Commandments and other selective parts of the law which came to Israel through Moses. This is one of the most hypocritical and misunderstood pieces of legalistic legislation to ever hit the church. We point out just a few of the inconsistencies.
762. Stone Tablet Commandments Can’t Bring Life or Righteousness
Why have religious institutions lured Gentiles into a ministry referred to as one that brings bondage while being unable to bring life or righteousness? The Ten Commandments were part of a law containing 603 other commands, rules and statutes. This is the very bundled requirement that Jesus came to deliver the Jewish people from … not to bring Gentiles into.
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