849. Jesus Secured an Eternal Redemption (Hebrews 9)
We’re back to discussing the surety of our forgiveness contained within the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ. The writer of Hebrews provides us with many contrasts, comparing the Old Covenant to the New. The law of regulations contained within the old, obsolete covenant was not able to provide what God required from the Jewish people.
The old way involved ceremonial repetitions which could not permanently address the issue of sin and its consequences, whereas Jesus entered once into a holy place—not a copy made with human hands, and not with the blood of animals—but with His own blood He obtained and secured an “eternal redemption.” Those suggesting that one can lose this gift have failed to realize the power and effectiveness of the finished work of Christ—who has become the guarantee of a better covenant.

845. Jesus Put Away Sin Once for All

839. Forgiven and Delivered From the Power of Darkness
As we begin to understand that the knowledge of His will was to bring all of these good things to us as an inheritance, we can live within the light of Jesus Christ where the fruit of God abounds. His strength in us is what we reply upon, not our willpower. It’s all about Christ in us—the mystery revealed.

838. Forgiven, Not Condemned – By the Riches of His Grace
Long before the law, Adam was only given one (1) command … and failed to keep it. Paul explained it’s because we’re “In Him” that we have redemption, and it’s through His blood we have an eternal forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Everything about this gospel is based on the work of Jesus. Don’t allow religion to plant doubt and fear by making it about you.
During the podcast we made mention of a previous podcast entitled, "How Can I Know That God Has Forgiven Me?" That was episode 820, and you can listen to it here.

820. “How Can I Know That God Has Forgiven Me?”
They’ll come up with all kinds of different ways to convince you (from the Bible!) that you’ll need to repeatedly keep seeking more forgiveness from God. They somehow think there are methods and formulas which are more effective than the blood of Jesus—which was shed one time. It’s time to stop and ask ourselves a question … why do you think Jesus’ blood only needed to be shed once, and not over and over again?

808. The 800 Club: Looking Back – The Book of Hebrews – New Covenant Explained
Some will say the book of Hebrews was meant only for Israel, but the revelation brought forth will be profitable for Gentiles of today because it shows the bigger picture of the Bible itself, and how we got to where we are in the New Covenant today and the perfect forgiveness brought by the blood of Jesus. After reaching over 800 programs, we’re looking back at past conversations and this week, it’s the book of Hebrews.
On the podcast we mention a previous series we did on the entire book of Hebrews. You will find the first episode of that 21-part series here, and then click on Newer Post at the end of each post to listen to the entire series.

805. The 800 Club: Looking Back – Forgiveness by Blood – Not Repeated Confessions
We've talked about this many times in the past here on the Growing in Grace podcast. Here are a couple of those times, if you want to explore this a little more:
A six-part series on 1 John 1:9 begins here (click on Newer Post at the bottom left of each post to get to each of the six parts), and a single episode that we did as part of a series called "Born Identity" can be found here.

768. Good News About 2 Chronicles 7:14 (God Wasn’t Speaking to You)
“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”This is wrapped in the context of the (former) Old Covenant, where the Jewish temple had just opened for business—which would be considered a house of animal sacrifices. It was another conditional promise based upon keeping the law … which nobody could ever successfully accomplish. If they were obedient to every command—while praying and seeking God’s face at the temple house–then God would respond with healing and forgiveness.
Under the New Covenant where we abide, forgiveness and blessings came through another way other than works … it’s by grace through faith and the blood of Jesus Christ which has already been shed. His glory couldn’t be handled by the priests when it filled the temple, but now He has filled you with that same glory by His Spirit—you are His temple. He doesn’t hide His face from you and He never leaves.

750. Hebrews 9: Your Sins Are Not Covered by the Blood of Jesus
Jesus offered His own blood and went before the true and greater tabernacle of God on our behalf. It was a sacrifice that would need to be performed just once. Why? Because His perfect offering didn’t just cover our sins but it took them away forever, never to become an obstacle between us and God ever again.

749. Hebrews 9: The New Covenant Began With Christ’s Death
The New Covenant couldn’t go into effect while the testator still lived. And like the first covenant, it would need to be established with blood. But this time, the blood being shed by the High Priest would do something very different that had never occurred before the cross during the Old Covenant era.

748. Hebrews 9: The Failure of Ceremony and Sacrifice
But when Christ appeared as High Priest (after the law), everything radically changed.