Somewhere along the way, most of us have wondered where we stand with God. For some, this is an ongoing battle which can lead to fear and uncertainty. Are you stuck inside of a mindset that has caused you to feel compelled to ask God to cleanse you and purify you over and over again? If so, perhaps you haven’t heard the full story or understood the victory Jesus Christ won for us at the cross. It’s time to shift the (lack of) confidence from your ability to live the Christian life, to believing and trusting completely in the life of God that abides in you.
Our second program in the series continues to encourage believers to reconsider a different perspective when it comes to inviting the presence of God’s Spirit into our midst. When people begin asking for the presence of God’s Spirit, or a special anointing or outpouring, it implies a temporary visitation instead of the Spirit always abiding. Believers can develop the mindset that if God can suddenly arrive, He can also depart and withdraw to a degree after the gathering is over. In Christ, we’re continuously wrapped, surrounded and enveloped with God’s presence, and the anointing abides in us through Him. As partakers of the divine nature, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.”
A dubious habit that we’ve bought into is the need to create an acceptable atmosphere in order for the presence of the Holy Spirit to envelop us or come upon us. Various words or phrases are used to invite God into our presence or to seek a greater anointing. The truth is, God is not just in us, but as believers in Christ, we’re in Him! The anointing is in us! This combination should bring an assurance that often goes unrealized by His children. There is no need to send an invitation to God, while hoping He’ll respond with an RSVP. He invited us!.
As Jesus looked ahead to the New Covenant, He shared with His disciples that they would have the ability to bear the fruit that only God is able to produce. He said He would no longer call them servants, but friends. He also shared about the power to love through His new commands that would not be burdensome, unlike the law and commandments that came through the law found in the first covenant given to Israel. This is about abiding in Him. How do we do that? We talk about it on this week's program.
Although many Christians will work and strive to produce good fruit, sometimes they end up back under a system of works or a modernized version of the Mosaic law. There was fruit involved for those Jewish people who were under the law of works, but it brought fruit for death. In the new covenant of Jesus Christ, we have been freed into the new way of life in the Spirit. Instead of working to produce fruit through our efforts, we simply rest and abide in Christ and the Spirit bears His fruit through us.
We can relate to Jesus being righteous, holy and perfect, but it can be quite another story when it comes to laying hold of our identity as believers. Since he abides in us, and we abide in him, we have inherited these same qualities and Jesus has become our righteousness, justification, sanctification and perfection. "By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world" (1 John 4:17).