Watch That Vending Machine!

Woman buying with a vending machine.

I was surprised to discover that some 1700 people are injured each year from vending machines, including 2-4 fatalities. But after some thought, I can identify. I have shaken more than one and even kicked a few. After all, those menacing thieves just take your money and stand there with no apology, and they offer no recourse.

Then, I thought about the people I know who have perceived of God as a vending machine. They have kicked him, shaken him, and finally rejected him just because he didn't belch out the goody they thought they were getting when they did their part.

It is easy to see why so many view God in this way. We live in a transactional world. We have been sufficiently warned that there is no free lunch. You get what you pay for.

Sadly, the message of the church is often a transactional one. We hear it often, as some spokesperson for God reminds us that if we only put in the right coinage, God will spit out the blessing we have selected. We merely need to know the currency that he accepts and identify the buttons to press.

Kicking the Vending Machine

Myrtle was a handful. I'm told she was once the beauty of the town. Now, however, she looked hard and hopeless. She demanded her way in the local church, the community and in her dysfunctional marriage.

When a counselor asked why she was so negative, she revealed that God had let her down. She had prayed for her sick child to be healed, but the three-year-old girl had died. "Prayer doesn't work." She said. "God is a hoax. If he were any good at all, he would hear the prayers of hurting people like me."

For Myrtle, prayer was the coinage inserted into the vending machine god. It malfunctioned.

Charles and Sarah had returned from the mission field. They were not only tired from years of hard service in poor living conditions, but they were also depleted in their souls.

They had been eager to go and serve the poor and lost, assured that God would bless them for their sacrifice. They did not see much success from their work, and their own children had turned against God and the church. "I just feel like God let us down," Charles mumbled.

Avoid the Vending Machine God

We don't do well trying to negotiate with God. We don't have anything he really needs. He has negotiated with himself to provide for us what we really need. God the Father promised some humans unimaginable blessings for their obedience. No one could fully obey. God the Son became a human and obeyed. He received the fulfillment of the promise.

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Our only hope is to be included in the Son's identity. That is exactly what he offers. We buy without money and without price. (See Isaiah 55:1.) It is true that nothing is free. Jesus paid a heavy price for our privilege of enjoying fellowship with God. His radical grace calls for a radical faith that embraces his life as our own. We then find ourselves giving and serving out of his abundance rather than in an effort to gain it.

Avoid the vending machine god. The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has prepared for us a feast-table in the presence of our enemies. Humbly we accept his invitation to "come and dine." His blessings are beyond number, and his willingness to bless is beyond measure.

Lessons From Elijah on Depression

Elijah and the Prophets of baal

Considering all the reports about the plague of depression affecting all ages in our society, we are looking for some answers. We just finished up a two-week training course for young men ages 16-25. I was amazed that so many of them describe depression and anxiety as a significant problem for them and their peer group. There is no age group immune to this growing angst. Maybe we can find some help from an incident recorded in Scripture. It is found in 1 Kings 18-19.

In summary, Israel was in rebellion against God and the prophets of Baal were influencing the society in destructive ways. Elijah forced a confrontation with them by challenging them to a god-contest. The god that would answer by sending fire on the altar would be the winner. The Baal prophets went first and spent hours begging their god to respond. Nothing happened. Then Elijah built an altar and even poured water on it and around it. When he prayed, the God of Israel answered by consuming the whole thing, water and all. Israel responded by declaring that Jehovah was the true God after all. The prophets of Baal were slain, and Elijah took off for the capital city. He was pumped by the victory on Mt. Carmel.

But then he learned that Jezebel, the wife of the weakling king Ahab, had put out a contract on his life. This time, instead of running with the favor of God upon him, he ran in fear deep into the desert. He knew he didn't have the right to kill himself, but he begged God to take his life. He was exhausted, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. All the color had faded from his vision. His hope was very dim.

God’s Response to Depression

It is here that we learn of God's approach to this condition.

Your value is inestimable. We need you. Jezebel is not the final word. Her threats are empty.

First, he met Elijah's physical needs. An angel of the Lord baked him bread and provided fresh water. He encouraged him to sleep. We are beings with bodies. We aren't just souls or spirits. Sometimes we must address the physical aspects of our life. Sometimes nourishment and sleep are needed more than going to another church meeting. Of course, there are those who think the physical is all that matters and would treat such exhaustion with chemicals only. Their personal worldview does not allow for us being more than body and mind.

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Second, God met Elijah's psychological need. The angel touched him and talked to him. We are unique beings that include a psychological makeup that needs care. A touch from a friend is a healing balm for one experiencing isolation. We thank God for those skilled in listening and drawing us out of our darkness. But, we are more than minds and feelings.

Third, God met Elijah's spiritual needs. All the talk in the world will not meet the needs that lie behind the psychological. We are spiritual beings. We thrive on truth. When lies have lodged in our minds and doubts have captured our hearts, we need an encounter with the living truth who loves unconditionally.

Hearing the Gentle Voice of God

Being energized by the help of the angel of the Lord, Elijah went down to Mt. Horeb and entered a cave. This is Mt. Sinai, where Moses had met with God. Some say that the cave that Elijah entered was the same as the one Moses was in when God passed by and showed him his goodness. (See Exodus 34.)

Elijah was looking for God. He had seen God do mighty things in the Baal contest, but things had gone wrong since then. Jezebel was not supposed to have happened. Why would God let this wicked woman cause such turmoil? Maybe Elijah had tried putting God in his own mental box. He needed to see the true majesty of God. He can't be bribed with our obedience, coerced by our passion, or contained in our imagination. He can reveal himself in the might of the wind, the terror of an earthquake, or the awe of fire, but he is not limited to those.

God repeatedly asked Elijah what he was doing there. It wasn't because God needed the information. Elijah needed to face his disappointment and hear the gentle voice of God telling him to get on with his assignment. God can't be boxed. He refuses to be bribed. But he is willing to work with his weak and wounded children without rebuke or rejection.

Give God the Final Word

Depression is serious. We grieve over lives lost because people gave up hope. There can be many influences that push us there. We must not be embarrassed to acknowledge that we are physical, psychological, spiritual beings that need help. We aren't designed to make it without each other, and certainly not without God. God cares for the whole person. He has angels, both human and spiritual that can help. Please don't give up.

The cave is an excellent place to encounter God's grace, but he will send you out of it to complete your assignment. Your value is inestimable. We need you. Jezebel is not the final word. Her threats are empty. God's word, revealing himself to you, is life-giving and eternal. Listen for the gentle voice of God.   

Being Human is Awesome, but Terrifying

Hikers helping each other at sunset

I guess the first time it hit me was at 25 years old. We had our first child, David, and as I stood looking through the window to the hospital nursery, I thought, "This child will live eternally in either heaven or hell, and I have been charged with the responsibility to guide him. Oh, my!" Being human is terrifying. What was God thinking to grant such power to humans that we can affect his creation so radically? It is an awesome reality. What is so awesome and terrifying about being human?

Designed to Name and Rule

Humans are creatures made by a creator with the design to rule over creation for its good and God's glory. The fact that we are humans means that we are limited. In other words, we are not the creator. We do not know everything (omniscience), nor do we have power over everything (omnipotence). And, of course, we cannot be everywhere at once (omnipresence). God designed us to rule over creation while worshipping our sovereign and loving creator. It is awesome beyond comprehension.

We have been granted the status of sons of God, conveying our privilege of relating to him as father and being heirs in his family. We are his partners in his earthly work. We are to discover and develop the treasures of creation and structure them to reflect his majestic creativity and love. The first human received the capacity and responsibility to name the animals. That means that we can discern the true nature of things so that we can manage them properly. When we misname, we mismanage.

Designed to Decide

Humans have a design of either male or female. They are equal and mostly the same, but their differences are significant. They represent the constant dynamic of structure and creativity. It has been described as order being challenged by chaos for the purpose of growth. God designed male and female humans to be interdependent. The first female came from the male. All other offspring came from the female. Not only are both essential to life on earth, but their differences are also sacred. All attempts to erase the differences are attacks on reality. The end of such efforts will not be good. It will be less than humanity’s design calls for.

Because of our design, we are decision-makers and our decisions matter. In fact, every decision we make moves the whole world toward chaos or ordered life. There are no inconsequential decisions. We never take a day off from making world-changing decisions. That is terrifying! It means that what I do affects others who don't even know what I am doing.

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For instance, when I disregard a healthy diet, I am affecting my wife, who will probably be the primary caregiver if I am sick. It affects whether my grandchildren will have quality time with their grandpa, which will affect the trajectory of their lives, which will affect their grandchildren. It affects those whose jobs my work provides, which affects their families and future. It affects the entire healthcare system in the nation and the world… ad infinitum. It's awesome. I can change the world today! It might be only a slight change, but it is change no less. I should want desperately to change it for good.

Designed for Purpose Beyond Weakness

There is a problem. Humans are not only limited by their "creatureliness," we are wounded by our sinfulness. Like our first parents, we are burdened with guilt over rebellious actions, shamed by our spiritual nakedness, and fearful of rejection and death.

Sadly, we followed not only the path of Adam and Eve but also that of Cain. He had the choice to confront his error and correct it but chose to see himself as the mistreated oppressed. His resentment led to hostility toward his brother, and finally, Cain eliminated him. Cain demonstrated that one cannot live without gratitude, and resentment makes gratitude impossible. History records the various attempts to live meaningfully without addressing the "fallenness" problem. Millions have died needlessly because some humans tried to manage the creation without considering the default selfishness of all fallen humans.

The burden of being a human beset by debilitating weaknesses, but conscious that our decisions matter is too heavy for many. They want another reality, so they become substitute creators and make up new ones. Some have declared that only a few elite are capable of managing the rest, and have found ways to construct governments which first serve but ultimately enslave the masses.

Designed for Restoration

Some have removed the creator and surmised that the only reality that counts must come from us, so we make our own meaning. Others conclude that there is no meaning to our decisions. They don’t matter in the long run, because no long run exists. We could go on. The proposals are numerous -- all with a guarantee of failure.

There is great news. God, our creator, is also our Redeemer. He has acted in history to restore humans to their original design. He became a man in Jesus and reversed what Adam and Eve did. Like Abel, he offered the proper and final offering, forever removing rejection from those who trust him. We are human again. It is awesome. Let's change the world today.