In recent decades, the Federal government has accelerated its reach into the personal and social lives of Americans. People feel isolated; business are over regulated; and the church has been intimidated. The sense of being overwhelmed by the massive intrusion into marriage, family, bathroom choice, and personal privacy was at the center of the frustration in many who rose up in this last election to say, "Stop! It's enough!"
Can the growth and intrusion of government be stopped? After all, somebody thought the laws and regulations were necessary for the welfare of the country. Human behavior must have some guidelines and boundaries or we will have mob-rule.
The Only Antidote to Government Overreach
There is a way. Only self-government can make government overreach unnecessary. As long as individuals and groups are controlled by their own desires for pleasure, demanding their own personal rights, and ruled by their basest passions, there will need to be a forceful external authority to assess penalties to curb hatred, greed, and perversion. But if people had a moral code that ruled over such human vices, the need for excessive regulations would not exist.
If people had a moral code that ruled over such human vices, the need for excessive regulations would not exist.
This introduces the role of the church as designed by God. The apostle Paul designated it "the ground and pillar of truth." (I Timothy 3:15) Its role in society is to offer freedom from enslavement to sinfulness and to equip people to live productively with God and each other. When its voice is silenced or ignored, the need for civil government involvement increases. When its voice is heard, the whole society reaps the benefits. Truth brings freedom.
The hope for a civil government that is effective in protecting its citizens, and ceases to intrude into their personal lives, all the while remaining small enough to stay within a reasonable budget, lies in the rise of the true church. Only the offer of forgiveness and the grace to love others more than ourselves can change people from "takers" to "givers." Only the security of being loved by the One who knows all and sees all can free us from the shame which destroys both our own lives and our societies.
It’s Time for the Church to Act
Only the offer of forgiveness and the grace to love others more than ourselves can change people from "takers" to "givers."
It is time for the people of God to take our assignment seriously. We have the message of truth. When believed, it liberates all people without distinction. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to live as Jesus modeled on earth.
We also have the commission from our Lord who promised to be with us into all the world. The masses await our appearance. Many will hear and believe. Those believers can be equipped to influence every sphere of society with the transcendent truth of divine order. Schools can teach truth again. Businesses can not only make a profit, but bless their workers and the communities in which they thrive. Other nations can look to a productive model -- all because the true church arose to teach people how to be self-governed by submitting to the God of truth.
Rise up O Church!