Who Qualifies You For God’s Blessings?
Who Qualifies You For God’s Blessings?
Under Grace, God Gives Us What Jesus Deserves, Not What We Deserve
727. “This Is Love: Not That We Loved God, but That He Loved Us”
In this New Covenant Jesus has established, what is so different about our love for God and for each other compared to the old way? John admitted nobody had ever really loved God … the gospel is not built upon a foundation of our love for God - once again it was about what God has done by giving us His Son and demonstrating His love for us - and the results are the difference between light and darkness.
721. The Greatest Commandments in the Law (But Nobody Has Ever Done Them)
Even the greatest commandments from the law (according to Jesus) caused people to fall short of the perfect requirement … because nobody has ever loved God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Nobody has loved God by being diligently obedient to the command, but now we’re able to do so—and to love one another—not due to our effort of obedience, but because we have come to know and believe in God’s love for us. (1 John 4:10-16). It’s a different way—and a better covenant.
When God Moves Into the Neighborhood
What would it look like if God moved into your neighborhood? What kind of neighbor would he be? Would people feel welcome? Would they move out of the neighborhood, afraid that God might see what they were doing? Would they clean up around their home or leave it as it is? God did move into [...]
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Guests on the Gospel of Grace Podcast
I Am Becoming Who I Am!
Most of us have been taught that God punishes us when we sin. I believed that every bad thing that happened to me was because he was punishing me for something I did. I just couldn’t believe that God was ever proud of me because all I could ever see was the wrong things I was doing.
The post I Am Becoming Who I Am! appeared first on MichaelWilson.org.
Am I a Bigot?
The guy in the t-shirt promoting abortion, the sexual revolution, social victimization, and open borders said that I was a misogynist, legalist, and racial bigot because I did not agree with his t-shirt. Am I?
Honestly, I felt the arrow. Maybe I harbor hidden bias. Perhaps I don't love the world as Jesus does. Then I remembered some verses from the apostle John that give perspective.
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. -- 1 John 3:18-19 (ESV)
Our own hearts are not infallible in evaluating our standing in righteousness. God is greater than our hearts. He knows everything. His verdict is the one that matters. (Now, there is a t-shirt for Christians: God's verdict matters.)
What Does Love Look Like?
What does it mean to love the world? Well, we know God does. What does his love look like?
First, he didn't allow the world to define love or what was needed. He looked beyond the deceptive thoughts of people bound in sin, and blind to true beauty, and gave the only gift that would free us and restore the glory of humans. He gave to meet the needs we had misidentified, so we could enjoy a greater liberty than we could imagine.
In order to prove my love, do I have to agree with everyone? It would be anything but authentic love to promote what I believe is destructive.
Second, he gave himself at great cost. It wasn't just a theory he was promoting. He didn't give a new ideology or fresh idea on how to structure society. He came into our dilemma and accepted the eternal consequences of our condition so that we could enter his condition as righteous before God.
Third, he loved us as people. Each of us has a unique story of need, though we share a common alienation from God because of sin. Jesus doesn't deal with us as a subset of society classified by our ethnicity, sex, or social standing. He loves persons!
Authentic Love
Someone asked me if my biblical worldview prevented my loving the LGBTQ community. Instead, it compels me to love the people who may identify or be classified by those letters.
I know and love many people who have been classified in this subset -- and I am eager and willing to love many more. I am just not sure what loving a subset of society means. In order to prove my love, do I have to agree with the particular agenda of that subset? It would be anything but authentic love to promote what I believe is destructive. If Jesus had loved like that, he would have abandoned us to our own wishes, consigning us to the misery of self-delusion forever. I can respect their right to believe without affirming their belief to be right.
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Jesus' love was expressed in that while we were yet bound in deception and ignorant of our desperate condition, he did what was necessary to set us free. (See Romans 5:8.) Love is costly, and it expresses itself in actions. It cares more for the condition of another than for our own comfort and ease. (See 1 Corinthians 13.)
If I listen to the angry voices telling me who I am, I will either shrink from being real, or I will strike back and lose my sense of peace. Either way, I will be weak and cowardly. Confidence comes from knowing God's verdict and accepting it as final. That frees me to see any person as created in the image of God, valuable and worth loving. It also releases me to hear God, my Father when he lovingly tells me that I have hidden bias he wants to eliminate. I like being loved like that, and I want that for everyone.
Does God Cause All Things to Turn Out For Your Good?
Romans 8:28 has become a hallmark verse for so many Christians. Paul tells the Christians at Rome, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.” What an amazing promise! God will work everything to my good.
The post Does God Cause All Things to Turn Out For Your Good? appeared first on MichaelWilson.org.
668. What Can Separate You from God?
For those with a spiritual separation anxiety, we have edited the list of things that can cause some type of a separation between you and God (see below):
- Nothing.