Things haven’t changed much in the past 2,000 years. Although the rules and regulations are tweaked based upon religious brands and cultural changes, the Christian religious system often weakens the message by emphasizing a works-based message while putting grace on the shelf. Grace may be used as a selling point, but watch out for the fine print.
783. Opposing Views from Paul and James: What Now?
The letter James wrote to Jews who were scattered throughout the region is believed to be the earliest book written in the New Testament after the resurrection. During this period of time, James believed the Mosaic law was still in place and that individual works played a factor in being justified. We've seen evidence of this in the book of Acts, Galatians, and his own letter. Bible teachers will panic if this is true and will fear it invalidates the entire Bible. That’s why they feel the need to corroborate their preconceived assumptions that P&J couldn’t have possibly been in disagreement. But maybe we've just been inaccurately assuming some things about these written pages that have us missing a bigger point.
694. Delivered from Bondage (The Law of Commandments)
Don’t Fall For A Fake Gospel
The McCollom family is on vacation! But on our way to Florida we decided to stop off in Georgetown, Kentucky to attend a church service at Grace Point Church where Jeremiah and Stacy Johnson are the Pastors! Let me tell you, it was totally worth the stop and it won’t be the last time we […]
The post Don’t Fall For A Fake Gospel appeared first on Sandra McCollom.
Freedom From Legalism
Do you find yourself wondering if you have done enough for God? Are you looking for a to-do list to accomplish for God in order to be acceptable to Him? When you struggle with sin do you think you would be able to overcome if you would just try harder? Do you have a hard […]
The post Freedom From Legalism appeared first on Sandra McCollom.