520. Teaching the Law Results in Fruitless Discussion
Discover How To Prevent Condemnation And Live In Joyful Freedom
Are you ready for a 30.000 feet overview that will help you live in joyful freedom?
First this…
Even though as believers we are not under law but under grace, we still have the effects of our old life under the law imprinted in our minds – that is a law mindset.
A law mindset is an old way of thinking that causes you to rely on your performance to make things happen.
Instead of relying on the indwelling life of Christ:
- You strive to become what you already are
- You seek to find what you already possess
- You try to measure up you when you already do
- You try to cross a divide that isn’t there
- You ask God to do what He’s already done
In short, you try to re-accomplish what Christ already has accomplished on your behalf.
A law mindset causes you to sin, make you feel condemned and gives you a sense you’re never doing enough.
Talking about frustration!
The moment you choose to believe the Gospel of Grace, however, you’ll experience REST, JOY, and FREEDOM.
To experience joyful freedom we need to be able to discern law from grace.
I’m going to give you a 30.000 feet overview so that you can sharply discern what is Old Covenant thinking and what is New Covenant thinking.
Here are 101 simple comparisons between the Old and New.
Click on the image to watch the Video:
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This is 1 of 62 videos that are part of an online training course, called:
“Discover Your Radical Freedom In Christ To Live A Grace-Filled Life”
Dozens of people have signed up and are going through the course right now.
The feedback shows that the truth presented has a powerful impact on each person’s life.
If you haven’t check out the course yet, then now is the time!
Click **HERE** to see what’s in it for you.
I wish you nothing less than joy, happiness, and freedom in your Christian walk!
How To Have An Enjoyable Relationship With God
Here’s a story that reveals the core-issue as to why many believers are not experiencing the full manifestation of all that Christ has done and given to them. At the same time it reveals the key how to experience an enjoyable relationship with God.
Anabel Gillham, who past away in 2010, has left quit a legacy including some great stories. Here is one of them.
Amy is seven years old. She has a loving mother and dad who have communicated that love to her through the early years of childhood – from her first breath of earth-air.
Her dad, especially, is her close companion – he holds her, teaches her, expresses his love for her in many and various ways – a thoughtful, protective, loving relationship.
But something strange begins to happen one morning as Amy seeks out her dad and asks, “Daddy, do you love me?”
“Why, of course, I love you, sweetie-dearly. You know that. Come let me give you a big hug to start the day.”
“Well, I just wanted to be sure this morning. And Daddy, will you please take care of me today?”
“Take care of you? What do you mean, Amy? I watch over you like a dog watches over a bone. Is something wrong, Honey? Are you scared? Is something going on at school? Have I disappointed you in some way?”
“Oh, no. I just want to ask you to love me and take care of me today. Will you please do that for me, Daddy? Promise?”
“I don’t understand, Amy. You know how much I love you and how very important it is to me to take good care of you. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“I just need you to convince me, Daddy, that you really do love me and that you really will take good care of me today…”
Every morning Amy comes to her dad with those same plaintive questions.
What do you suppose that does to her daddy? How does it make him feel?
Now consider this. Don’t we do the very same thing with our eternal Father?
Eph. 1:4 says that we are His children, living within His constant care.
Before the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care (Eph. 1:4, Phillips)
That means that I am living within His constant care. Doesn’t it?
The big question is: Do I believe this?
Do I accept this as truth or do I evaluate it from experience?
Watch the Vlog by clicking on the image:
Click HERE to watch on YouTube
If this is true for me, is it also true for my circle of loved ones who have through faith become His children?
If God has said He constantly cares and protects – this as being a part of my position…the position of any person in Christ Jesus – why do we go to Him constantly in prayer about it?
Pleading with Him, “Oh Lord, watch over my loved ones today?”
Did He stop caring?
Or we implore Him saying, “God, protect us from danger…Surround us with Your angels…Give us travel mercies, blah, blah.”
Or, “God, I’m broke, I need finances, give me money.”
At the same time reminding Him that I am trusting Him, “God, I trust You” – as though He might have forgotten since last night or yesterday.
Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction to you?
God says one thing, “I constantly care.”
We say the opposite, “God, please take care.”
Indeed. this mindset simply reveals a lack of knowledge of the truth, which results in faithless prayers and if that’s the way you are “praying,” than that’s why your prayers aren’t working.
Asking Him to do what He has promised to do?
Extracting more promises, more words of encouragement, insisting that God would tell me – just one more time – about His faithfulness to me, forgetting the days and months and years that I have experienced His constant care?
Wouldn’t this be an affront to God?
An act of unbelief perhaps?
Wouldn’t this communicate a basic insecurity to Him? That I just can’t quite believe His promises?
To have an enjoyable relationship with God is to chose to believe what He says is true.
And to not base your doctrines on what people have told you (even tough we do learn from others) or what you’ve made up out of your own thought processes, but to study the Word for yourself and trust in the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.
Otherwise you might end up using God as someone to come to for cleansing prayers or ask for things that are already a “yes” and “amen” through Jesus.
Or your relationship with God becomes one where you’re always expecting Him to give, to come through, or to somehow prove Himself in your life instead of just enjoying each others company, doing life together while you’re feasting at the table of the finished-work-goodies.
Friend, let’s continue to choose to believe what God says is true.
Life becomes a lot more fun and less boring when you live and pray in line with the finished work of Christ.
How To Have An Enjoyable Relationship With God
Here’s a story that reveals the core-issue as to why many believers are not experiencing the full manifestation of all that Christ has done and given to them. At the same time it reveals the key how to experience an enjoyable relationship with God.
Anabel Gillham, who past away in 2010, has left quit a legacy including some great stories. Here is one of them.
Amy is seven years old. She has a loving mother and dad who have communicated that love to her through the early years of childhood – from her first breath of earth-air.
Her dad, especially, is her close companion – he holds her, teaches her, expresses his love for her in many and various ways – a thoughtful, protective, loving relationship.
But something strange begins to happen one morning as Amy seeks out her dad and asks, “Daddy, do you love me?”
“Why, of course, I love you, sweetie-dearly. You know that. Come let me give you a big hug to start the day.”
“Well, I just wanted to be sure this morning. And Daddy, will you please take care of me today?”
“Take care of you? What do you mean, Amy? I watch over you like a dog watches over a bone. Is something wrong, Honey? Are you scared? Is something going on at school? Have I disappointed you in some way?”
“Oh, no. I just want to ask you to love me and take care of me today. Will you please do that for me, Daddy? Promise?”
“I don’t understand, Amy. You know how much I love you and how very important it is to me to take good care of you. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“I just need you to convince me, Daddy, that you really do love me and that you really will take good care of me today…”
Every morning Amy comes to her dad with those same plaintive questions.
What do you suppose that does to her daddy? How does it make him feel?
Now consider this. Don’t we do the very same thing with our eternal Father?
Eph. 1:4 says that we are His children, living within His constant care.
Before the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care (Eph. 1:4, Phillips)
That means that I am living within His constant care. Doesn’t it?
The big question is: Do I believe this?
Do I accept this as truth or do I evaluate it from experience?
Watch the Vlog by clicking on the image:
Click HERE to watch on YouTube
If this is true for me, is it also true for my circle of loved ones who have through faith become His children?
If God has said He constantly cares and protects – this as being a part of my position…the position of any person in Christ Jesus – why do we go to Him constantly in prayer about it?
Pleading with Him, “Oh Lord, watch over my loved ones today?”
Did He stop caring?
Or we implore Him saying, “God, protect us from danger…Surround us with Your angels…Give us travel mercies, blah, blah.”
Or, “God, I’m broke, I need finances, give me money.”
At the same time reminding Him that I am trusting Him, “God, I trust You” – as though He might have forgotten since last night or yesterday.
Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction to you?
God says one thing, “I constantly care.”
We say the opposite, “God, please take care.”
Indeed. this mindset simply reveals a lack of knowledge of the truth, which results in faithless prayers and if that’s the way you are “praying,” than that’s why your prayers aren’t working.
Asking Him to do what He has promised to do?
Extracting more promises, more words of encouragement, insisting that God would tell me – just one more time – about His faithfulness to me, forgetting the days and months and years that I have experienced His constant care?
Wouldn’t this be an affront to God?
An act of unbelief perhaps?
Wouldn’t this communicate a basic insecurity to Him? That I just can’t quite believe His promises?
To have an enjoyable relationship with God is to chose to believe what He says is true.
And to not base your doctrines on what people have told you (even tough we do learn from others) or what you’ve made up out of your own thought processes, but to study the Word for yourself and trust in the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.
Otherwise you might end up using God as someone to come to for cleansing prayers or ask for things that are already a “yes” and “amen” through Jesus.
Or your relationship with God becomes one where you’re always expecting Him to give, to come through, or to somehow prove Himself in your life instead of just enjoying each others company, doing life together while you’re feasting at the table of the finished-work-goodies.
Friend, let’s continue to choose to believe what God says is true.
Life becomes a lot more fun and less boring when you live and pray in line with the finished work of Christ.
How To Have An Enjoyable Relationship With God
Here’s a story that reveals the core-issue as to why many believers are not experiencing the full manifestation of all that Christ has done and given to them. At the same time it reveals the key how to experience an enjoyable relationship with God.
Anabel Gillham, who past away in 2010, has left quit a legacy including some great stories. Here is one of them.
Amy is seven years old. She has a loving mother and dad who have communicated that love to her through the early years of childhood – from her first breath of earth-air.
Her dad, especially, is her close companion – he holds her, teaches her, expresses his love for her in many and various ways – a thoughtful, protective, loving relationship.
But something strange begins to happen one morning as Amy seeks out her dad and asks, “Daddy, do you love me?”
“Why, of course, I love you, sweetie-dearly. You know that. Come let me give you a big hug to start the day.”
“Well, I just wanted to be sure this morning. And Daddy, will you please take care of me today?”
“Take care of you? What do you mean, Amy? I watch over you like a dog watches over a bone. Is something wrong, Honey? Are you scared? Is something going on at school? Have I disappointed you in some way?”
“Oh, no. I just want to ask you to love me and take care of me today. Will you please do that for me, Daddy? Promise?”
“I don’t understand, Amy. You know how much I love you and how very important it is to me to take good care of you. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“I just need you to convince me, Daddy, that you really do love me and that you really will take good care of me today…”
Every morning Amy comes to her dad with those same plaintive questions.
What do you suppose that does to her daddy? How does it make him feel?
Now consider this. Don’t we do the very same thing with our eternal Father?
Eph. 1:4 says that we are His children, living within His constant care.
Before the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care (Eph. 1:4, Phillips)
That means that I am living within His constant care. Doesn’t it?
The big question is: Do I believe this?
Do I accept this as truth or do I evaluate it from experience?
Watch the Vlog by clicking on the image:
Click HERE to watch on YouTube
If this is true for me, is it also true for my circle of loved ones who have through faith become His children?
If God has said He constantly cares and protects – this as being a part of my position…the position of any person in Christ Jesus – why do we go to Him constantly in prayer about it?
Pleading with Him, “Oh Lord, watch over my loved ones today?”
Did He stop caring?
Or we implore Him saying, “God, protect us from danger…Surround us with Your angels…Give us travel mercies, blah, blah.”
Or, “God, I’m broke, I need finances, give me money.”
At the same time reminding Him that I am trusting Him, “God, I trust You” – as though He might have forgotten since last night or yesterday.
Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction to you?
God says one thing, “I constantly care.”
We say the opposite, “God, please take care.”
Indeed. this mindset simply reveals a lack of knowledge of the truth, which results in faithless prayers and if that’s the way you are “praying,” than that’s why your prayers aren’t working.
Asking Him to do what He has promised to do?
Extracting more promises, more words of encouragement, insisting that God would tell me – just one more time – about His faithfulness to me, forgetting the days and months and years that I have experienced His constant care?
Wouldn’t this be an affront to God?
An act of unbelief perhaps?
Wouldn’t this communicate a basic insecurity to Him? That I just can’t quite believe His promises?
To have an enjoyable relationship with God is to chose to believe what He says is true.
And to not base your doctrines on what people have told you (even tough we do learn from others) or what you’ve made up out of your own thought processes, but to study the Word for yourself and trust in the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.
Otherwise you might end up using God as someone to come to for cleansing prayers or ask for things that are already a “yes” and “amen” through Jesus.
Or your relationship with God becomes one where you’re always expecting Him to give, to come through, or to somehow prove Himself in your life instead of just enjoying each others company, doing life together while you’re feasting at the table of the finished-work-goodies.
Friend, let’s continue to choose to believe what God says is true.
Life becomes a lot more fun and less boring when you live and pray in line with the finished work of Christ.
How To Have An Enjoyable Relationship With God
Here’s a story that reveals the core-issue as to why many believers are not experiencing the full manifestation of all that Christ has done and given to them. At the same time it reveals the key how to experience an enjoyable relationship with God.
Anabel Gillham, who past away in 2010, has left quit a legacy including some great stories. Here is one of them.
Amy is seven years old. She has a loving mother and dad who have communicated that love to her through the early years of childhood – from her first breath of earth-air.
Her dad, especially, is her close companion – he holds her, teaches her, expresses his love for her in many and various ways – a thoughtful, protective, loving relationship.
But something strange begins to happen one morning as Amy seeks out her dad and asks, “Daddy, do you love me?”
“Why, of course, I love you, sweetie-dearly. You know that. Come let me give you a big hug to start the day.”
“Well, I just wanted to be sure this morning. And Daddy, will you please take care of me today?”
“Take care of you? What do you mean, Amy? I watch over you like a dog watches over a bone. Is something wrong, Honey? Are you scared? Is something going on at school? Have I disappointed you in some way?”
“Oh, no. I just want to ask you to love me and take care of me today. Will you please do that for me, Daddy? Promise?”
“I don’t understand, Amy. You know how much I love you and how very important it is to me to take good care of you. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“I just need you to convince me, Daddy, that you really do love me and that you really will take good care of me today…”
Every morning Amy comes to her dad with those same plaintive questions.
What do you suppose that does to her daddy? How does it make him feel?
Now consider this. Don’t we do the very same thing with our eternal Father?
Eph. 1:4 says that we are His children, living within His constant care.
Before the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care (Eph. 1:4, Phillips)
That means that I am living within His constant care. Doesn’t it?
The big question is: Do I believe this?
Do I accept this as truth or do I evaluate it from experience?
Watch the Vlog by clicking on the image:
Click HERE to watch on YouTube
If this is true for me, is it also true for my circle of loved ones who have through faith become His children?
If God has said He constantly cares and protects – this as being a part of my position…the position of any person in Christ Jesus – why do we go to Him constantly in prayer about it?
Pleading with Him, “Oh Lord, watch over my loved ones today?”
Did He stop caring?
Or we implore Him saying, “God, protect us from danger…Surround us with Your angels…Give us travel mercies, blah, blah.”
Or, “God, I’m broke, I need finances, give me money.”
At the same time reminding Him that I am trusting Him, “God, I trust You” – as though He might have forgotten since last night or yesterday.
Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction to you?
God says one thing, “I constantly care.”
We say the opposite, “God, please take care.”
Indeed. this mindset simply reveals a lack of knowledge of the truth, which results in faithless prayers and if that’s the way you are “praying,” than that’s why your prayers aren’t working.
Asking Him to do what He has promised to do?
Extracting more promises, more words of encouragement, insisting that God would tell me – just one more time – about His faithfulness to me, forgetting the days and months and years that I have experienced His constant care?
Wouldn’t this be an affront to God?
An act of unbelief perhaps?
Wouldn’t this communicate a basic insecurity to Him? That I just can’t quite believe His promises?
To have an enjoyable relationship with God is to chose to believe what He says is true.
And to not base your doctrines on what people have told you (even tough we do learn from others) or what you’ve made up out of your own thought processes, but to study the Word for yourself and trust in the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.
Otherwise you might end up using God as someone to come to for cleansing prayers or ask for things that are already a “yes” and “amen” through Jesus.
Or your relationship with God becomes one where you’re always expecting Him to give, to come through, or to somehow prove Himself in your life instead of just enjoying each others company, doing life together while you’re feasting at the table of the finished-work-goodies.
Friend, let’s continue to choose to believe what God says is true.
Life becomes a lot more fun and less boring when you live and pray in line with the finished work of Christ.
How To Have An Enjoyable Relationship With God
Here’s a story that reveals the core-issue as to why many believers are not experiencing the full manifestation of all that Christ has done and given to them. At the same time it reveals the key how to experience an enjoyable relationship with God.
Anabel Gillham, who past away in 2010, has left quit a legacy including some great stories. Here is one of them.
Amy is seven years old. She has a loving mother and dad who have communicated that love to her through the early years of childhood – from her first breath of earth-air.
Her dad, especially, is her close companion – he holds her, teaches her, expresses his love for her in many and various ways – a thoughtful, protective, loving relationship.
But something strange begins to happen one morning as Amy seeks out her dad and asks, “Daddy, do you love me?”
“Why, of course, I love you, sweetie-dearly. You know that. Come let me give you a big hug to start the day.”
“Well, I just wanted to be sure this morning. And Daddy, will you please take care of me today?”
“Take care of you? What do you mean, Amy? I watch over you like a dog watches over a bone. Is something wrong, Honey? Are you scared? Is something going on at school? Have I disappointed you in some way?”
“Oh, no. I just want to ask you to love me and take care of me today. Will you please do that for me, Daddy? Promise?”
“I don’t understand, Amy. You know how much I love you and how very important it is to me to take good care of you. What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“I just need you to convince me, Daddy, that you really do love me and that you really will take good care of me today…”
Every morning Amy comes to her dad with those same plaintive questions.
What do you suppose that does to her daddy? How does it make him feel?
Now consider this. Don’t we do the very same thing with our eternal Father?
Eph. 1:4 says that we are His children, living within His constant care.
Before the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care (Eph. 1:4, Phillips)
That means that I am living within His constant care. Doesn’t it?
The big question is: Do I believe this?
Do I accept this as truth or do I evaluate it from experience?
Watch the Vlog by clicking on the image:
Click HERE to watch on YouTube
If this is true for me, is it also true for my circle of loved ones who have through faith become His children?
If God has said He constantly cares and protects – this as being a part of my position…the position of any person in Christ Jesus – why do we go to Him constantly in prayer about it?
Pleading with Him, “Oh Lord, watch over my loved ones today?”
Did He stop caring?
Or we implore Him saying, “God, protect us from danger…Surround us with Your angels…Give us travel mercies, blah, blah.”
Or, “God, I’m broke, I need finances, give me money.”
At the same time reminding Him that I am trusting Him, “God, I trust You” – as though He might have forgotten since last night or yesterday.
Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction to you?
God says one thing, “I constantly care.”
We say the opposite, “God, please take care.”
Indeed. this mindset simply reveals a lack of knowledge of the truth, which results in faithless prayers and if that’s the way you are “praying,” than that’s why your prayers aren’t working.
Asking Him to do what He has promised to do?
Extracting more promises, more words of encouragement, insisting that God would tell me – just one more time – about His faithfulness to me, forgetting the days and months and years that I have experienced His constant care?
Wouldn’t this be an affront to God?
An act of unbelief perhaps?
Wouldn’t this communicate a basic insecurity to Him? That I just can’t quite believe His promises?
To have an enjoyable relationship with God is to chose to believe what He says is true.
And to not base your doctrines on what people have told you (even tough we do learn from others) or what you’ve made up out of your own thought processes, but to study the Word for yourself and trust in the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth.
Otherwise you might end up using God as someone to come to for cleansing prayers or ask for things that are already a “yes” and “amen” through Jesus.
Or your relationship with God becomes one where you’re always expecting Him to give, to come through, or to somehow prove Himself in your life instead of just enjoying each others company, doing life together while you’re feasting at the table of the finished-work-goodies.
Friend, let’s continue to choose to believe what God says is true.
Life becomes a lot more fun and less boring when you live and pray in line with the finished work of Christ.
How To Bring Heaven On Earth: Using The King’s Power And Authority
In this video we take a moment to remind ourselves what it means to be an ambassador of heaven who carry the King’s Name to use His power and authority to bring heaven on earth.
As an ambassador, you stand in delegated authority. When you rebuke a demon, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that demon; when you rebuke a sickness, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that sickness – that is the power of delegated authority.
To give someone the right to use your name is to give them your authority.
That person is authorized to speak as your representative.
Presently, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting while His ambassadors (the Church) put His enemies under His feet (see Heb. 10:12-13).
As ambassadors, our priority is bringing alignment between Heaven and earth.
Click on the image to watch the Vlog:
Click HERE to watch the video on YouTube
Jesus said that we are to pray that it would be on earth as it is in Heaven (see Matt. 6:10).
In Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no poverty, no divorce, no broken homes, no death. In Heaven there is total peace, love, and joy.
Therefore, as an ambassador of Heaven, these are the things that we pray into our surroundings.
It is time to move away from wimpy, weak-kneed, milk-toast, namby-pamby prayers like, “God, if it is Your will, would You please consider doing such and such?”
Ambassadors direct their authority toward the problem and demand results.
I am not saying that we make demands of God, but that we aim our authority at the problem.
For example, “Lazarus come forth!” or “Lame man rise and walk!” or “Demon come out!” or “Storm be calm!”
Like Jesus, ambassadors use their authority to address problems directly.
When you pray in the being of Jesus, you must be obeyed by demons, sickness, death, and circumstances as if Jesus Himself were commanding those obstacles.
I, Bas Rijksen, have no authority in my name, apart from Jesus.
In the natural, I am not a king, but as an ambassador of Heaven, I operate in the authority of the King of kings.
When I am praying, I am standing inside the being of Jesus, because that is where I find my authority.
Question: What in your environment needs to come into alignment with Heaven’s best: physical ailments, financial issues, your marriage, your children, your church, close friends, your employer and co-workers, and so forth.
Speak over each of these with authority as Heaven’s ambassador and watch it being transformed.
Have a splendishes day,
How To Bring Heaven On Earth: Using The King’s Power And Authority
In this video we take a moment to remind ourselves what it means to be an ambassador of heaven who carry the King’s Name to use His power and authority to bring heaven on earth.
As an ambassador, you stand in delegated authority. When you rebuke a demon, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that demon; when you rebuke a sickness, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that sickness – that is the power of delegated authority.
To give someone the right to use your name is to give them your authority.
That person is authorized to speak as your representative.
Presently, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting while His ambassadors (the Church) put His enemies under His feet (see Heb. 10:12-13).
As ambassadors, our priority is bringing alignment between Heaven and earth.
Click on the image to watch the Vlog:
Click HERE to watch the video on YouTube
Jesus said that we are to pray that it would be on earth as it is in Heaven (see Matt. 6:10).
In Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no poverty, no divorce, no broken homes, no death. In Heaven there is total peace, love, and joy.
Therefore, as an ambassador of Heaven, these are the things that we pray into our surroundings.
It is time to move away from wimpy, weak-kneed, milk-toast, namby-pamby prayers like, “God, if it is Your will, would You please consider doing such and such?”
Ambassadors direct their authority toward the problem and demand results.
I am not saying that we make demands of God, but that we aim our authority at the problem.
For example, “Lazarus come forth!” or “Lame man rise and walk!” or “Demon come out!” or “Storm be calm!”
Like Jesus, ambassadors use their authority to address problems directly.
When you pray in the being of Jesus, you must be obeyed by demons, sickness, death, and circumstances as if Jesus Himself were commanding those obstacles.
I, Bas Rijksen, have no authority in my name, apart from Jesus.
In the natural, I am not a king, but as an ambassador of Heaven, I operate in the authority of the King of kings.
When I am praying, I am standing inside the being of Jesus, because that is where I find my authority.
Question: What in your environment needs to come into alignment with Heaven’s best: physical ailments, financial issues, your marriage, your children, your church, close friends, your employer and co-workers, and so forth.
Speak over each of these with authority as Heaven’s ambassador and watch it being transformed.
Have a splendishes day,
How To Bring Heaven On Earth: Using The King’s Power And Authority
In this video we take a moment to remind ourselves what it means to be an ambassador of heaven who carry the King’s Name to use His power and authority to bring heaven on earth.
As an ambassador, you stand in delegated authority. When you rebuke a demon, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that demon; when you rebuke a sickness, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that sickness – that is the power of delegated authority.
To give someone the right to use your name is to give them your authority.
That person is authorized to speak as your representative.
Presently, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting while His ambassadors (the Church) put His enemies under His feet (see Heb. 10:12-13).
As ambassadors, our priority is bringing alignment between Heaven and earth.
Click on the image to watch the Vlog:
Click HERE to watch the video on YouTube
Jesus said that we are to pray that it would be on earth as it is in Heaven (see Matt. 6:10).
In Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no poverty, no divorce, no broken homes, no death. In Heaven there is total peace, love, and joy.
Therefore, as an ambassador of Heaven, these are the things that we pray into our surroundings.
It is time to move away from wimpy, weak-kneed, milk-toast, namby-pamby prayers like, “God, if it is Your will, would You please consider doing such and such?”
Ambassadors direct their authority toward the problem and demand results.
I am not saying that we make demands of God, but that we aim our authority at the problem.
For example, “Lazarus come forth!” or “Lame man rise and walk!” or “Demon come out!” or “Storm be calm!”
Like Jesus, ambassadors use their authority to address problems directly.
When you pray in the being of Jesus, you must be obeyed by demons, sickness, death, and circumstances as if Jesus Himself were commanding those obstacles.
I, Bas Rijksen, have no authority in my name, apart from Jesus.
In the natural, I am not a king, but as an ambassador of Heaven, I operate in the authority of the King of kings.
When I am praying, I am standing inside the being of Jesus, because that is where I find my authority.
Question: What in your environment needs to come into alignment with Heaven’s best: physical ailments, financial issues, your marriage, your children, your church, close friends, your employer and co-workers, and so forth.
Speak over each of these with authority as Heaven’s ambassador and watch it being transformed.
Have a splendishes day,
How To Bring Heaven On Earth: Using The King’s Power And Authority
In this video we take a moment to remind ourselves what it means to be an ambassador of heaven who carry the King’s Name to use His power and authority to bring heaven on earth.
As an ambassador, you stand in delegated authority. When you rebuke a demon, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that demon; when you rebuke a sickness, it is as if Jesus is rebuking that sickness – that is the power of delegated authority.
To give someone the right to use your name is to give them your authority.
That person is authorized to speak as your representative.
Presently, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting while His ambassadors (the Church) put His enemies under His feet (see Heb. 10:12-13).
As ambassadors, our priority is bringing alignment between Heaven and earth.
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Jesus said that we are to pray that it would be on earth as it is in Heaven (see Matt. 6:10).
In Heaven there is no sickness, no pain, no poverty, no divorce, no broken homes, no death. In Heaven there is total peace, love, and joy.
Therefore, as an ambassador of Heaven, these are the things that we pray into our surroundings.
It is time to move away from wimpy, weak-kneed, milk-toast, namby-pamby prayers like, “God, if it is Your will, would You please consider doing such and such?”
Ambassadors direct their authority toward the problem and demand results.
I am not saying that we make demands of God, but that we aim our authority at the problem.
For example, “Lazarus come forth!” or “Lame man rise and walk!” or “Demon come out!” or “Storm be calm!”
Like Jesus, ambassadors use their authority to address problems directly.
When you pray in the being of Jesus, you must be obeyed by demons, sickness, death, and circumstances as if Jesus Himself were commanding those obstacles.
I, Bas Rijksen, have no authority in my name, apart from Jesus.
In the natural, I am not a king, but as an ambassador of Heaven, I operate in the authority of the King of kings.
When I am praying, I am standing inside the being of Jesus, because that is where I find my authority.
Question: What in your environment needs to come into alignment with Heaven’s best: physical ailments, financial issues, your marriage, your children, your church, close friends, your employer and co-workers, and so forth.
Speak over each of these with authority as Heaven’s ambassador and watch it being transformed.
Have a splendishes day,