A Bible verse frequently quoted is found in Matthew 7:16 and also in 7:20 .... "You will know them by their fruits." This is usually referenced by people with the assumption that you will know how to identify other true believers—by what they do and through their behavior. But the context shows us Jesus is explaining how to recognize false prophets. They will do many works outwardly to be seen by others—sometimes miraculous things—but it all revolves around their fruits. In other words, the fruits are mentioned in the plural, meaning their works. It's a sandy foundation, not one built upon a solid rock of trusting in Christ for righteousness. As branches who are plugged into the vine, we have become identified as good trees capable of bearing the "fruit" (singular) that the Holy Spirit will eagerly produce through us apart from a religious system of law and works. But it's not our "fruits" ... it's all about His fruit that we bear.
The position we have proclaimed that the ministry of the Spirit of grace has replaced the Old Covenant of death and condemnation, will frequently lead to the accusation that we are sending the message it's okay to sin. Covenant mixers instinctively assume if we have no list of rules to live by, it encourages people to run wild and that behavior doesn't matter. Since their own spiritual identity has been bound to following rules, they have a hard time understanding the freedom from law that came through Christ and the new heart and motivation of love that is found in Him. Our growth in grace will change our perspective and our desires.