In the seventh chapter of Matthew, Jesus made the statement, "You will know them by their fruits." We often think this is how we'll know those who are considered to be sincere believers, but the context is being aware of false prophets. They are the ones focusing on establishing themselves with good works, performance and attempting to produce their own fruit. You will know them by their fruits. This is in contrast to the fruit of the Spirit, which is not produced by our good works but rather by God who bears His fruit through us.
521. The Fruit of the Spirit, Not the Works of the Law
Although many Christians will work and strive to produce good fruit, sometimes they end up back under a system of works or a modernized version of the Mosaic law. There was fruit involved for those Jewish people who were under the law of works, but it brought fruit for death. In the new covenant of Jesus Christ, we have been freed into the new way of life in the Spirit. Instead of working to produce fruit through our efforts, we simply rest and abide in Christ and the Spirit bears His fruit through us.
520. Teaching the Law Results in Fruitless Discussion
The Apostle Paul stated some have strayed from the good things of love, a pure heart and a good conscience, and have turned to fruitless discussion. How? By wanting to be teachers of law. The law from the Old Covenant had a purpose, but it was not meant for the righteous in Christ. It was a tutor to point people to faith and the promise of life found in Jesus Christ. Now that faith has come, the tutor is no longer needed. Instead of abiding in the letter that kills with a creed of "thou shall not," as believers we have the living God within to bear His fruit, against which there is no law.
511. “Are You Saying People Can Do Whatever They Want?”
The position we have proclaimed that the ministry of the Spirit of grace has replaced the Old Covenant of death and condemnation, will frequently lead to the accusation that we are sending the message it's okay to sin. Covenant mixers instinctively assume if we have no list of rules to live by, it encourages people to run wild and that behavior doesn't matter. Since their own spiritual identity has been bound to following rules, they have a hard time understanding the freedom from law that came through Christ and the new heart and motivation of love that is found in Him. Our growth in grace will change our perspective and our desires.