675. The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sins of the World
674. Forgiveness Complete, Offerings Stopped
673. “Do I Still Need God to Forgive Me Each Day?”
When contrasting the Old Covenant to the New, we find quite a contrast as the book of Hebrews explains the true power of the blood of Jesus that was shed just one time. The Jewish people were unable to rest in God’s forgiveness. Why? Because they had to keep seeking a renewed forgiveness on a daily basis. It’s likely we haven’t fully understood what occurred on that cross when Jesus died and uttered the words, “It is finished.” The good news is far better than we think, and it’s why we live in something called a better covenant, established upon better promises.
672. The Spirit of the Living God (Not the Spirit of the Law)
617. The Mistake of Seeking What God Has Already Provided
617. The Mistake of Seeking What God Has Already Provided
Questions & Answers about Grace
It’s been a very long time since I’ve been this excited to share something with you on my blog! I’m always excited, but this time I’m super excited. I can just imagine how encouraged and inspired and probably even shocked you’re going to be when you hear this good news! I just discovered these ladies […]
The post Questions & Answers about Grace appeared first on Sandra McCollom.
601. Clash of the Covenants: Kap Talks About His New Book
The new book is available on Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713ZSKY7) under the title of Clash of the Covenants: Escaping Religious Bondage Through the Grace Guarantee, by Michael C. Kapler.
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Clash of the Covenants – new book from Mike
Have you been robbed by religion? Have you ever wondered where you really stood with God? For everyone trapped in a mindset of wondering whether God is angry or disappointed with them due to a lack of performance or dedication, help is on the way. In fact, it already arrived more than a couple thousand years ago.
Christian churches are filled with people who have been hearing Bible teaching built upon a foundation of mixing together two very different covenants that are not alike. Frequently embraced in most Christian circles, the practice of combining the old and new covenants has resulted in a diluted version of the gospel. This religious formula has caused many to avoid the institutional church altogether, often puts them in a state of confusion, and leaves them hungering and thirsting for a new identity of righteousness, unaware it has already been provided.
The current reality of unconditional love, peace, freedom, forgiveness, and everything else that is good, has been gifted to us by God's grace through the finished work of Jesus Christ. This is the message most people have been longing to experience, but it may require a complete change of mind from a lifetime of traditional church doctrines that have left many drowning in guilt and feeling as though they are in a state of bondage. God has provided a way of escape from the burdensome religious business—it is through a New Covenant where it is impossible for us to fail, because Jesus is the mediator and guarantee of this better covenant, and it has been established on better promises.