In order to really get a hold of the complete Christmas message, we’ll need to look beyond the birth of Jesus and the manger scene. The entrance of God into this world as a human being was a prelude to something much bigger than turning water into wine, multiplying fish sandwiches and even raising dead bodies which had been placed into the grave.
God sent Jesus to provide the world with something so massive, magnificent and monumental … that it exceedingly surpasses beyond all that we could ask or think.
This week’s spontaneous conversation between Mike and Joel takes a look at the message of Christ’s birth and what it meant for the world, and for believers in Christ. Merry Christmas from the entire staff at the Growing in Grace podcast.
We know Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus as the savior of the world. But it can be a challenge to grasp the idea of God becoming human, becoming one of us and enduring temptation in the same way we do, yet without sin. Why is it that it would require a man who would bring redemption to a fallen human race? We know this occurred, but we don’t always stop to think about why. We often think of Jesus as the Son of God but He was also the Son of man. This week, we have a conversation that takes a closer look at the human side in the life of Jesus.