The assumption is often made that the teachings of Jesus were intended for us believers. But He clearly stated He was sent to minister only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. So the religious mindset within Christianity will conclude that after the cross, we were meant to abide by or adhere to all of the teachings of Jesus because they think we were invited into a Jewish covenant. The problem with this? People will pick and choose what they think should be applied, while ignoring other parts. Old Covenant law was never meant for us Gentiles and the Jews would also come to be redeemed from it. But when Jesus points towards the New Covenant, we find it leads to a place of ceasing from a works-based effort at attaining redemption and brings us to a place of rest and peace.
As we recognize the identity of righteousness that belongs to us in Jesus Christ, we can put away our own efforts and rest in him. Before the cross, the Jewish people were in bondage to the Mosaic law as it demanded a perfection the people could not attain. Their works were based on pursuing their own righteousness because they did not understand God's righteousness. We are declared perfected, justified and sanctified. As the Apostle Paul stated, "For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God."
Continuing with our conversation on mixing the Old Covenant with the New, this week we discuss some common sense reasons from Scripture why the Old had to come to an end and be replaced with something very different. This is the basis for the gospel. If our life in Christ is meant to be centered around our dedication and effort, we've fallen back to a religious system that exalts ourselves and diminishes the work of Jesus Christ.