Being silent, noticing living things, living. The breath of God flowing within and through as the trees bloom and the sun shines. A quiet appreciation of life. I think about how everything works together, as seasons change. Yeah, the pollen is falling and things get stirred up which brings an element of discomfort, but blooming and growth means life is bursting forth. There is a metamorphosis, things taking shape very naturally, very beautifully coming into form as God creates it to be. Watch it, living things, living! It’s everywhere! Do you notice?
Living Things Living
Being silent, noticing living things, living. The breath of God flowing within and through as the trees bloom and the sun shines. A quiet appreciation of life. I think about how everything works together, as seasons change. Yeah, the pollen is falling and things get stirred up which brings an element of discomfort, but blooming and growth means life is bursting forth. There is a metamorphosis, things taking shape very naturally, very beautifully coming into form as God creates it to be. Watch it, living things, living! It’s everywhere! Do you notice?
Living Things Living
Being silent, noticing living things, living. The breath of God flowing within and through as the trees bloom and the sun shines. A quiet appreciation of life. I think about how everything works together, as seasons change. Yeah, the pollen is falling and things get stirred up which brings an element of discomfort, but blooming and growth means life is bursting forth. There is a metamorphosis, things taking shape very naturally, very beautifully coming into form as God creates it to be. Watch it, living things, living! It’s everywhere! Do you notice?
Living Things Living
Being silent, noticing living things, living. The breath of God flowing within and through as the trees bloom and the sun shines. A quiet appreciation of life. I think about how everything works together, as seasons change. Yeah, the pollen is falling and things get stirred up which brings an element of discomfort, but blooming and growth means life is bursting forth. There is a metamorphosis, things taking shape very naturally, very beautifully coming into form as God creates it to be. Watch it, living things, living! It’s everywhere! Do you notice?
Floods Of Rest
An obsession with right and wrong had stolen my liberation most of my life. I wanted badly to get it right. It being my theology, my life, my character, my family, everything. But I got confusion and frustration and like parched earth on a hot Texas summer it starved my soul of the pure clean living water that was mine.
It was a drought of receiving and giving the love that so desperately wanted to flow. But slowly, the dam broke. Not like a thunderstorm, but like a still small voice saying, “It Is Finished” you can stop now and rest.
Let the water flow by letting go of right and resting now, because, I Am. I am your right, I am their right, I Am. And out of my belly flows rivers of living water. Floods of restful being, washing every part. I will never thirst again.
Wynema Clark 12/22/2018
It is in my alone-ness that God and I communicate the best. In the quiet of my evening, when my day has unfolded and my concerns or request are raw and laid bare. As I finish up my day, we talk all while I clean the kitchen or wash my face.
I also like to walk either alone or with my pups in tow. No music or podcast or sermons. Nothing to place my concentration on or distract me from where my thoughts are. Maybe family concerns or things happening with my friends. We talk about it. Even my own personal anxieties or feelings of inadequacy I notice in the quiet. Those I share with Him and He often reminds me of the truth or highlights a lie that I’ve allowed in.
I the quiet I can really focus on where my thoughts and feelings are settling. Where I am emotional in certain thoughts and why that particular thought elicits such emotion. The Holy Spirit gently and quietly points out the truth and where it fits or doesn’t fit with who I am.
Sometimes my feelings are strictly based on lack of sleep or hormones. In these I am given grace. Those are physical and may not be based on a lie, but physiology. In those times I remember the difference between eternal and temporary and I am thankful for the temporary and I allow myself to feel it and then let go.
Sometimes I even embrace the highs and lows for a time to enjoy the range of emotions that associated with being alive. It allows me a healthy, honest physiological experience in the moment.
I am thankful for a full range of emotions and thankful to my Father for being a woman.
Wynema I Clark
Where Love Is Shown
Love doesn’t highlight mistakes,
it redeemed them.
Love doesn’t point fingers at brokenness,
it embraced the broken.
Love doesn’t avoid the hurting,
It entered into it.
For God so loved the WORLD.
Not just our best and brightest
But our dirty and broken,
Our hidden and covered,
Our embarrassed, our shy
Our exposed and ashamed.
And leads us out into the wide open spaces of love and grace.
Where our eyes are opened
Where life is known
Where the lights comes on
Love is shown.
I just heard the most awful sound. The high pitched squeal of a squirrel caught in the mouth of my sweet, but all too quick Bandit. I was mortified I was petrified, while he was basking in the adrenaline that comes from instincts fulfilled.
Between my sweet neighbor and I, we managed to free the little critter from his clutches. I had to call the vet because the sound of that squirrel goes against my nature. It was awful! But it’s completely within the realms of Bandit’s instincts. What he did was natural and to him it was a victory.
Here is the lesson! My instinct, my God given spiritual responses are to love, to speak peace, to do the next right thing. In an environment that tells us that our flesh rules and our emotions tell the truth, my spirit cries out LOVE. When that instinct is fulfilled I’m like Bandit, playful, I have that adrenaline rush and I know I’m walking in the life of my creator! Even when this world is saying NO and when lies are knocking at the door I will follow my God given instinct and LOVE and then run in the yard like a banshee!
How about that!
I like bluebonnets in a Texas springtime,
And the landscape of a desert sky.
How about a canopy of trees along a winding road.
These are the things that make me take life slow
And breathe.
Breath the smell of honeysuckle
along a path I like to ride,
Or the smell of dinner cookin
through the back porch screen.
Life is sweet, Life is beautiful
So breathe.
Enjoy the endless journey of the ocean,
as your toes are buried deeply in the sand.
Let the music of your life have a
pleasant beat.
Cause life is sweet and it’s beautiful
So breathe.
Take in the moments as they come.
Don’t let your troubles hold you down.
Kiss your babies before they’re grown
And put that laptop down.
Cause time is passing,
And it’s beautiful
So breathe.
Wynema I Clark
Enjoy The Journey
Sometimes I like to take a walk
Call a good friend for a
light-hearted talk
Read a good adventure book
Or look around and take
A long hard look
At what is mine in the here and now
To see it in creation
and just say “wow”
I see it in the trees and the sky
and I fill it in the air that is crisp
In the cute, freckle face kid
whose hair is in a wisp
I see it in the stars, in the sun
and the rain
I see it in the comfort and
I feel it in the pain
I see it in my home when
the kids are running free
I see it in the mirror when
you’re looking back at me
I see it all around so I can
slow down my pace
And enjoy this journey now
because of your amazing grace!