697. Is it “Biblical”? (Part 1)
Who is Man?
Throughout my years as a Christian, I’ve observed that most of the struggles believers face have their origin in the inaccurate or erroneous beliefs we hold regarding the true nature and character of God.
Just as there is a grossly inaccurate belief in the hearts of many believers regarding the true nature and character of God, there is also an equally destructive and crippling view regarding the true value, worth, dignity and identity of man.
If we are not taught a proper, biblical sense of identity and self-worth, we will seldom experience God in an intimate and meaningful way!
And if what we believe about the Bible, God, and ourselves doesn’t agree with the revelation of the gospel in the New Testament, we may never experience God’s Word working consistently and effectively in our lives!
Establishing a Biblical Self-Worth
Religion and legalism have caused many to lose track of their true identity and worth, leaving them stripped of a healthy, biblical sense of who they are.
Traditionally we’ve been taught that being human is either evil, weak or deeply unspiritual. In many ways, true “spirituality” is believed to be about denying, disowning and escaping our humanity through legalism and moral discipline
Something Other than Human
As Christians, we’ve been encouraged to disown our basic humanity by doing all we can do (prayer, fasting and imposing moral disciplines) to reject our human emotions, passions and instincts!
As a result, many believers struggle to reconcile who God is and who they are as human beings!
For so many, it’s almost unthinkable that a holy God would have any connection with their deepest human dreams of enjoying everyday life. But it’s only in our union with God that we discover the fulfillment of being human!
If we correctly interpret Scripture, we find that God’s whole purpose for creating us is to be HUMAN. In the eyes of God, the very fact that we are HUMAN defines our true identity and value to God!
For so many, it’s almost unthinkable that a holy God would have any connection with their deepest human dreams of enjoying everyday life. But it’s only in our union with God that we discover the fulfillment of being human!
God’s Eternal Intentions, Plans, and Purposes
According as he hath chosen us in him (Christ) before the FOUNDATION of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. —Eph. 1:4-5 (KJV)
God’s eternal plans have always been for us to find our origin and identity in Jesus Christ!
EMMANUEL—God with Us!
Who, although being essentially one with GOD and in the form of GOD [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make GOD GOD], did not think this equality with GOD was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained, But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like MEN and was born a HUMAN BEING.—Phil. 2:7-8 (AMP)
EMMANUEL—God One of Us!
Therefore God will never be ashamed of you being part of His family!
For the one (God) who makes men holy and the men who are made holy SHARE A COMMON HUMANITY. So that he is not ashamed to call them his BROTHERS … And again …in these words: ‘Here am I and the children whom God has given me’. Since, then, “the children” have a common physical nature as HUMAN BEINGS, he (God the Son) also became a HUMAN BEING, so that by going through death as a MAN he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; …It is plain that for this purpose he (God the Son) did not become an ANGEL; he became a MAN, in actual fact a descendant of Abraham.—Hebrews 2: 11-18 (Phillips)
Therefore, the gospel is an emphatic declaration that GOD NOT ONLY LIKES HUMAN, BUT LOVES HUMAN!!
Jesus: The Eternal, Living Word of God
In this teaching, we must start with agreement concerning what we value and hold dear about the Holy Scriptures. Anytime our view contradicts the biblical view, serious problems arise.
It’s why people have so many varied views of God and the Gospel, and why there are over 45,000 different denominations!
There are many who suggest that the Bible is not trustworthy and reliable!
I wholeheartedly believe that it is the holy and inspired Word of God, given to us through the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is absolutely reliable and totally trustworthy!
The Integrity of the Scriptures
Paul told Timothy, in 2 Timothy 3:15-17, that Scripture is holy (sacred, set apart or consecrated to God), containing the wisdom, understanding and instruction concerning salvation, through faith in the finished work of Jesus. And all Scripture is inspired (breathed out of God) and profitable (helpful, advantageous) for…
- Doctrine – learning, teaching, and instruction
- Reproof – evidence or proof, having conviction
- Correction – to straighten up again, to rectify and reform
- Instruction – to tutor, educate and train; nurture
- In righteousness – specifically speaks of (Christian) justification.
The Scriptures are undoubtedly inspired by God to teach and instruct us with the evidence and proof necessary to reform our thinking, educate us in the truth of our right-standing with God and make us proficient in the message of the Gospel—thoroughly equipped to do “good works.”
The Bible is absolutely reliable and totally trustworthy!
The Inerrancy of Scripture
There is no conflict in God! God’s not the one who is con- fused. The only contradictions and conflicts that exist are because of our interpretation of God.
2 Peter 1:20-21 clears it up by saying that Holy men, moved by the Holy Spirit, accurately recorded biblical history, events, encounters, genealogy, conversations and prophetic utterances!
The Bible inerrantly records the contradictions, errors and lies, and it makes no mistakes in reporting the events, proclaiming the truth, and recording the revelation of God’s will.
The Real Benefit of Scripture
We can learn a very valuable lesson from Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees in John 5!
“You search and investigate and pore over the SCRIPTURES diligently, because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them. AND THESE [VERY SCRIPTURES] TESTIFY
ABOUT ME! And still you are not willing [but refuse] TO COME TO ME, so that you might have LIFE.” —John 5:39-40 (KJV) [emphasis mine]
Jesus said that one of the main purposes of Scripture is to be a witness that declares and reveals the true Word of God, Jesus Christ, to us!
It’s how we connect to the Living Word of God (Jesus) and the power of God (the Gospel).
That’s why the authority, reliability and integrity of Scripture is so important. Only in Jesus can we have and enjoy (Zoe) life— not just in the Scriptures!
God has fully and perfectly revealed Himself in and through Jesus Christ.
If Scripture is read and studied correctly, it will always point us to Jesus, “The True, Eternal and Inerrant Word of God!”
687. Confusing the Teachings of Jesus With New Covenant Christianity
686. Danger: Elevating the “Good Book” Above the Person of Jesus
If you’ve been listening to the Growing in Grace podcast for any length of time, you know we cherish the information and revelation found within the pages of the Scriptures. But even as believers in Christ, our understanding of them is far from perfect, it can be easy for us to misinterpret various things or begin to filter our limited understanding through doctrines of men and denominational dogma. Unfortunately, at times, we may be doing the same thing some of the Jews did before the cross - elevating the written pages above the Person to whom the writings bear witness. Those Jews knew the Scriptures and thought they would find life within those writings… but they did not have His Word in them because they refused to come to Jesus - the only One who could give life.
Jesus put it this way when speaking to them: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life” (John 5:39-40 ESV).
Jesus did not say, “I and the Bible are one.” He is supreme compared to scrolls and predominant over publishers. Jesus is the living Word that has been around before there was a beginning. Be thankful for the Scriptures, because they bear witness of the Son… but ultimately, life comes from one source - not the pages, but the Person - Jesus Christ. He stated that it would be the Spirit of truth who would abide in us and now be our guide. He is the one we should all agree to rally around and trust in together - not our flimsy theology.
685. Is Everything in the Bible Written to Us Directly?
EXTRA: On this week's podcast Kap mentioned a public speaking appearance of his from last year. Here is his 40 minute message on YouTube.
“The Real You” series – Week 7: You Are Peaceful!
“The Real You” series – Week 7: You Are Peaceful!
“The Real You” series – Week 6: You Are The Light Of The World!
“The Real You” series – Week 6: You Are The Light Of The World!
638. Summarizing the Scripture (Part 9): What the Church Hasn’t Told You About the Law & Commandments
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