Chapters 7-10 in the book of Hebrews contain some of the most powerful information within the pages of Scripture as it relates to the finished work of Christ and the once for all forgiveness that came through His blood. He became the guarantee of a better covenant. We can add nothing to it because it’s based upon what He did … not what we do or don’t do. Faith places trust that what He did, and it was more than enough for those who don’t reject the one sacrifice for sins that God provided through His Son.
756. Sins Forgiven and Taken Away (Unless You Sin?) Hebrews 10:26 – Part 2
Chapters 7-10 in the book of Hebrews contain some of the most powerful information within the pages of Scripture as it relates to the finished work of Christ and the once for all forgiveness that came through His blood. He became the guarantee of a better covenant. We can add nothing to it because it’s based upon what He did … not what we do or don’t do. Faith places trust that what He did, and it was more than enough for those who don’t reject the one sacrifice for sins that God provided through His Son.