In almost every account of God’s interaction with His people, we find Him promising to give them “the best of the best.” This has always been His intention.
“And I thought how wonderful it would be for you to be here among my children. I planned to give you part of this beautiful land, the finest in the world.” —Jeremiah 3:19 (TLB)
In the Amplified, it reads, “…a goodly heritage, the most beautiful and best (inheritance) among all nations.”
We see the same promise in the New Testament in Ephesians 1:3:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who HAS blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (His best).” (parentheses mine)
It’s a wonderful thing to know God has not given us His second best. He hasn’t given us just enough. He has given us the best he had—JESUS!
Paul said it this way:
“So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE HE WOULDN’T GLADLY AND FREELY DO FOR US?” —Romans 8:31-32 (MSG)
The key to understanding this scripture is the word “FREELY.” Not only did God give us ALL (radically all) things, but He also gave it freely, expecting nothing in return—no strings attached. The message of the gospel is the same to all of us. Not only has God promised us the best, He has already given us the best.
No matter who you are, where you are or at what stage of spiritual development you are, the promise in the New Testament is the same—simply, THE BEST!
The Place Called “The Best”
There is a place with God that’s called “the best,” but too many of us have settled for the plain, mundane and ordinary.
Somebody once said: Many times, good is the enemy of the best.
Some of us have settled for the good and the normal at the expense of the best. When things are going well and everything seems to be good, we settle there and forget the best is still to come.
“Since all this is true, we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths that we have heard.” —Hebrews 2:1:
Since all what is true?
“He (Jesus) is the sole expression of the glory of God (the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine), and He is the perfect imprint and very image of God’s nature….” —Hebrews 1:3 (AMPC)
The writer of Hebrews warns us that if we neglect the fact that God has given us His best, we stand the chance of these wonderful things slipping past us and not partaking in the best God has for us.
How you can partake of the best of the best:
Believe it. The Bible says with God nothing shall be impossible. With God being for and not against you, with God on your side, with God’s loving-kindness, with God believing in you, with God’s free favors, with God’s grace, with God’s power, with God’s mercy and with God’s goodness … NOTHING IS EVER IMPOSSIBLE!
See it. Perhaps it looks like you’ve missed out on the chances in life and everybody else has jumped in ahead of you. Lift up your eyes and let God show you the best of the best again.
Claim it. Find out what it will take for your dream become reality. What actions do you need to take to become all you can be? Become persuaded you are planted firmly and securely in love (Eph. 3:14-20).
Take it. There can be strongholds in our thinking and believing that influence our lives negatively (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Therefore, we must be able to build strongholds or reminders that influence our thinking and believing positively. These can only become reality by persuading ourselves of God’s goodness all the time.
Keep it. In Ezekiel 48:14, God told the people not to sell or exchange any of the land He had given them for it was holy unto Him. So, don’t sell your dreams for the things of the world. Don’t exchange it by trying to make it come to pass on your own strength. Trust God and His ability. And don’t be driven off of it by the lies of the devil.
The post Blessed With Heaven’s Best! appeared first on Arthur Meintjes.