Previously on Lessons from the Great Physician: Lesson One: Establish the will of God
The post Go Tell How Much The Lord Has Done appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
Previously on Lessons from the Great Physician: Lesson One: Establish the will of God
The post Go Tell How Much The Lord Has Done appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
Spare a moment to think of all the preachers who are still preaching after decades, and how they have to find something new to say each Easter season. It's not easy to fool some long-time listeners with a new title to an old sermon (a "re-bore" as one preacher's kid put it). They might not [...]
The post The Turning Point appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
The fourth lesson from the Great Physician is found in the stilling of the storm on the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 8:18,23-27. The same incident is also recorded in Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25. "Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side" (verse 8 [...]
The post Jump and Trust the Parachute appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I was fortunate in that I had a good mother-in-law. While I saw her quite often when my wife and I were courting, after our marriage we moved 1680 miles away (2690 km) for eight years, and almost any mother-in-law is good at that distance. Of course I’ve heard heaps of jokes about mothers-in-law, [...]
The post Mothers-in-law appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
In Matthew 8:5-13 we have the record of the healing of a Roman centurion's servant. Let's look at it and discover the second lesson from the Great Physician.
The post When Jesus was Amazed! appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
The Great Physician now is near, The sympathising Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh heard the voice of Jesus. Refrain: Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. (William Hunter, c.1870) One of the well-known portions of the New Testament is the Sermon [...]
The post Lessons from the Great Physician appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
My dad was born left-handed, or cack-handed as they say in his native England. In the US he'd probably be called a southpaw. I did not inherit that particular gene or trait. I read that about 10% of the population is left-handed, and my dad was in good company with Prince William, heir to the [...]
The post 700 Leftie Snipers appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here for all our new readers who may not have received our 2009 New Year’s [...]
The post Five “new” Verses for 2017 appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here for all our new readers who may not have received our 2009 New Year’s [...]
The post Five “new” Verses for 2017 appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here for all our new readers who may not have received our 2009 New Year’s [...]
The post Five “new” Verses for 2017 appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here for all our new readers who may not have received our 2009 New Year’s [...]
The post Five “new” Verses for 2017 appeared first on Peter Wade.
by Peter Wade
I've quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I've even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can't find it online using search engines, I'll repeat the first and last verse here for all our new readers who may not have received our 2009 New Year's newsletter.… Read More
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