Can You Lose Your Salvation?
Can you lose your salvation and become unsaved? When I first began writing about the gospel of grace this was a subject few people spoke about. It was too contentious, too uncertain, too hard. So one summer I set out to read every single scripture on the subject. Turns out there are about 300. About half of them say you can’t lose your salvation, while the other half seem to suggest you can. At first glance, these two groups of scriptures seemed to be in conflict with one another. One group was full of God’s unconditional promises; the other was full of conditional statements. But when I read these scriptures through Jesus-glasses, I found not one scripture that said you can lose your salvation. Although there are bad consequences to straying or falling from grace, having your Father unchild you is not one of them. (If this is news to you, I recommend reading this list of the top 12 promises regarding your eternal security. You will be encouraged!) Can you lose your salvation? No. Not a chance. God’s Word is crystal clear. So why do people worry that they can? They worry because they don’t know what makes the [...]