The Gospel of Wow!
Isaiah 45:7 – Does the Lord Create Evil?
Jesus our Tithe
Should You Tithe?
Tithing Under Grace
8 Signs that a Church Doesn’t Get Grace
Who is the Unworthy Servant? (Luke 17:10)
Why is the Narrow Gate Hard to Enter?
Is Grace a License to Be Lazy?
E2R is on Patreon
What do the following people have in common: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven? Answer: You would have heard of none of them if it weren’t for their patrons. Without patrons there would be no Mona Lisa, no Sistene Chapel, no Hamlet, and no Goldberg Variations.
And frankly, a world without the Goldberg Variations is a world I couldn’t imagine.
In some ways patrons are as important as the artists they support. Consider Mozart. He had several patrons who funded him and in return he gave them – and us – some of the greatest music ever written. A world without Mozart, or Bach, Beethoven, and Handel, is a poorer world.
Which brings me to Patreon.
Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that provides us with a unique opportunity to become partners in the gospel. It works like this: A lot of people give a little each month and in return they get Mozart, or me, in this case. Just as Mozart and his patrons made the world a better place, working together proclaiming the beautiful gospel of Jesus, we can make the world a better place.
This is a really good deal. For as little as a dollar a month you get to change the world!
“But Paul, why would I pay when I can get Escape to Reality for free?”
For the same reason people pay for Netflix or Hulu when you can watch TV for free – you’ll get more and better content.
For the past six years E2R has been a one-man show. But as the blog has grown I find myself writing less and doing more admin. This is bad for you and bad for me. It’s bad because awesome articles go unwritten (I have a folder with about 200 drafts); readers’ questions go unanswered (at least eighty percent are ignored – sorry); and creative projects remain unbirthed.
I’m fizzing with ideas and so are readers like you. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t get asked: “Paul, have you written anything on the parables of Jesus?” “Why don’t you write something we can give to unbelievers?” “Got anything suitable for children?” “Why don’t you do a study guide?”
The fact is I have written something on the parables and I do have something for unbelievers and I have been working on a children’s series. But finishing these things requires time which requires money. And we haven’t even begun to discuss the really BIG ideas pertaining to platform sharing, community building, and getting the gospel into disadvantaged communities. (I discuss these on the Patreon page.)
E2R began as an email sent to a dozen friends. Sending that one email was like punching a hole in a dam wall: It unleashed a flood. It brought me to you.
Now every month as many as 50,000 people get to hear the good news of God’s unconditional love. That’s 50,000 people who are being set free from religious bondage and are learning to dance in the sunlit uplands of their Father’s favor. Within that group people of unbridled creativity are being energized and inspired by grace. There are Michaelangelos, Shakespeares, and Bachs. If grace inspires you, you may be one of them.
Grace bears good fruit. Sending that one email was like planting a tiny gospel seed which has grown into a large and fruitful tree. From that one tree there are now thousands of of seeds to sow. Opportunities to proclaim the gospel of grace are everywhere.
“This all sounds good, Paul, but what does this have to do with me?”
It has everything to do with you. Mozart, remember?
Has E2R been a blessing to you? Would you like others to experience that blessing? Would you like to see more people freed from condemnation and shame and reveling in their Father’s favor?
Here’s the choice: if you would like to see E2R go from a tree to a forest, jump over to Patreon and sign up as a patron. Do it now before you forget. Not only will you help spread the gospel of grace, you’ll get access to a bunch of bonus offerings and exclusive patron-only rewards. Patronage has its privileges.
“Paul, I believe in what you’re doing and want to help, but I’m not ready to sign up for a monthly commitment.”
I understand. Netflix isn’t for everyone. If you would like to help spread this message you can always make a one-off donation via our support page. Every dollar you give goes into making the E2R a better resource.
I encourage you to become a patron but if you don’t that’s fine. There’s no guilt here. I’ll keep writing regardless. But if you do support my work, I’ll write more and you’ll get more. Patronage is a two-way street.
And maybe, just maybe, we’ll get the grace-equivalent of a Sistene Chapel or a Brandenburg Concerto or a Goldberg Variation.
The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)
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