“What do you do all day, Paul?”
You’d be surprised how often I am asked this question. It’s usually easier to tell people what I don’t do. I’m a writer, but I don’t set daily writing targets and I don’t do book tours.
So what do I do?
Every day I go digging in the treasure rooms of God’s word. When I discover diamonds and gems I share them with you.
I don’t see myself as a writer trying to find readers for my writing, but a treasure hunter finding treasure for my readers.
“Look what I found? Do you want it? It’s yours!”
As you may know, last year I started a side project called The Grace Commentary. You may be wondering how that project relates to Escape to Reality. I feel it’s as if God has handed me the keys to the biggest treasure room yet.
While writing the commentary I have been in the Bible for about five hours a day, and I have found more treasure than ever before. Ton’s of treasure!
The easy part is finding the treasure; the hard part is packaging it and making it presentable.
“Look at this mountain of treasure. There’s a whole book in here!” says one part of my brain.
“Not another book,” groans the other part of my brain.
These days I am trying to write fewer books and better articles. In fact, that’s one of my goals for 2022 – get back to basics by writing terrific articles about grace.
And this brings me to you.
If you like what I write and want to be at the front of queue for all the good stuff that’s coming down the line, why not sign up as an email subscriber here on Escape to Reality? It’s totally free.
If you’re on Facebook or Twitter, you may have noticed that some of my social media posts get recycled. “Didn’t I see this one last year?” That doesn’t happen on E2R. Like first-class passengers on an airplane, email subscribers get only the fresh stuff.
Email subscribers have put themselves at the front of the queue, so why not become one? I won’t send you more than two to three emails a month and I promise that each one will be worth reading (I hope).
Don’t know what email is? Ask your parents. It’s like 1970’s rock music – old but still better than anything that’s come since.
One last thing, sign up as an email subscriber and receive four free ebooks! These excellent books will help you grow in grace.
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In the coming season I expect Escape to Reality to go from strength to strength. I’m thrilled that you’re here to share the journey.
Grace and peace,