All priests under the law of Moses came from the tribe of the Levites. Jesus came from a different tribe (Judah), which brought a change of priesthood. With Jesus becoming our High Priest, this would mean there was also a change of law. The "change" here means a transformation or removal of the former commandment under the Old Covenant. The result was God providing Jesus as a guarantee or assurance of a better covenant. The Old was annulled and the New would ensue.
This week we look further into the differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The first one was established between God and Israel. It was an arrangement that never included Gentiles (non-Jews), not before the cross and certainly not after. The Old would become obsolete and be replace by the New, as a result of the superiority of the ministry of Jesus Christ. This covenant would bring Jew and Gentile together.
After the death of Jesus, we find that the first covenant made with Israel came to an end and was replaced with a New Covenant that would be unlike the old one. It's not an amendment or continuation of the Old Covenant. The writer of Hebrews stated the law from the first covenant was weak and useless and could make nothing perfect. The New would be a better covenant established upon better promises. Why? Because this time God wasn't going to make the covenant with us (the people), but rather with Himself so that it could not fail. Our participation in this new way is to simply believe.
Just for kicks - Something we mentioned during the podcast:
Due to the parting of a loved one, we have not prepared a new episode of Growing in Grace for this week. We will be back next week, talking about God's grace and the New Covenant.
The subject of hungering and thirsting for more of God is an excellent example of being able to see where Jesus would speak of two completely different covenants during His ministry. During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6). He wasn't speaking to believers of today, but to Jewish people stuck in a system of hopelessness and despair. They were not blessed because they hungered, but because eventually the hunger and thirst would be satisfied. As believers in Christ, we no longer hunger or thirst for God or His righteousness. How do we know this? Later in the book of John, Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst."
Although much of Jesus' ministry was for those under the law of the first covenant, He also shared about some things to come when the New Covenant would begin after His death. Jesus spoke of how He would go away and the Holy Spirit would come to help us. So what are some of the things the Spirit helps us with? We take a look at just a few examples that will hopefully bring some peace and comfort to you.
Although much of Jesus' ministry was for those under the law of the first covenant, He also shared about some things to come when the New Covenant would begin after His death. Jesus spoke of how He would go away and the Holy Spirit would come to help us. So what are some of the things the Spirit helps us with? We take a look at just a few examples that will hopefully bring some peace and comfort to you.
As Jesus looked ahead to the New Covenant, He shared with His disciples that they would have the ability to bear the fruit that only God is able to produce. He said He would no longer call them servants, but friends. He also shared about the power to love through His new commands that would not be burdensome, unlike the law and commandments that came through the law found in the first covenant given to Israel. This is about abiding in Him. How do we do that? We talk about it on this week's program.
The assumption is often made that the teachings of Jesus were intended for us believers. But He clearly stated He was sent to minister only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. So the religious mindset within Christianity will conclude that after the cross, we were meant to abide by or adhere to all of the teachings of Jesus because they think we were invited into a Jewish covenant. The problem with this? People will pick and choose what they think should be applied, while ignoring other parts. Old Covenant law was never meant for us Gentiles and the Jews would also come to be redeemed from it. But when Jesus points towards the New Covenant, we find it leads to a place of ceasing from a works-based effort at attaining redemption and brings us to a place of rest and peace.
In recent programs during our series, we've looked at some of the seemingly harsh and heavy teachings Jesus ministered to the people of Israel. You may have noticed how Jesus would often seem rather hard and demanding while at other times He would minister with grace and compassion. Did He have a split personality? Was He contradicting Himself? Of course we know this is not the case, so what did it all mean? It has to do with which covenant was being communicated. When Jesus told people that His yoke was easy and His burden was light, He was opening the door for them to enter into the rest offered by a New Covenant that would soon be available to them.
Although Jesus often ministered despair and hopelessness by elevating the Mosaic law, there were times when He would provide samples of the approaching New Covenant. Even though the "New" would not be in effect until after His death, we see examples of the gospel being served, such as the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. The purpose of the old commandments was to minister condemnation and death. This woman received a taste of unconditional love mixed with mercy and grace, while her accusers walked away speechless.
Many Christians will look at the teachings of Jesus as though He were speaking directly to believers of today, when much of the time He was speaking to Jews under the law. By looking through the lens of the Old Covenant, we can begin to see quite often where Jesus said some things that were never meant to be a life application for us in the New Covenant. In fact, we'll discover Jesus was attempting to show His Jewish followers how they simply could not live up to the requirements that it would take to truly be His disciple and inherit eternal life. One of these examples is when Jesus referred to them carrying their own cross. It has become a modern-day religious talking point, but it's clear Jesus never meant for us to carry our own cross when He said, "Whoever tries to save their life will lose it."