It’s sad to think about in many cases, Christians are not enjoying their life in Christ. Some of this may be the result of feeling as though they are not living up to certain expectations they have placed on themselves, or that they feel God has for them. Through misunderstandings about the gospel, it can be easy to develop a mindset where one feels they are constantly falling short, resulting in feelings of uncertainty and even fear of where they are positioned with God, even though they are a child who is loved by Him unconditionally. This can lead to people seeking to acquire things from God that He has already provided for us through the finished work of Christ. On this week’s program, Joel and Mike discuss some things that may help bring a better understanding to those desiring to continue growing in the grace of Jesus Christ.
It’s sad to think about in many cases, Christians are not enjoying their life in Christ. Some of this may be the result of feeling as though they are not living up to certain expectations they have placed on themselves, or that they feel God has for them. Through misunderstandings about the gospel, it can be easy to develop a mindset where one feels they are constantly falling short, resulting in feelings of uncertainty and even fear of where they are positioned with God, even though they are a child who is loved by Him unconditionally. This can lead to people seeking to acquire things from God that He has already provided for us through the finished work of Christ. On this week’s program, Joel and Mike discuss some things that may help bring a better understanding to those desiring to continue growing in the grace of Jesus Christ.
Our second program in the series continues to encourage believers to reconsider a different perspective when it comes to inviting the presence of God’s Spirit into our midst. When people begin asking for the presence of God’s Spirit, or a special anointing or outpouring, it implies a temporary visitation instead of the Spirit always abiding. Believers can develop the mindset that if God can suddenly arrive, He can also depart and withdraw to a degree after the gathering is over. In Christ, we’re continuously wrapped, surrounded and enveloped with God’s presence, and the anointing abides in us through Him. As partakers of the divine nature, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.”
A dubious habit that we’ve bought into is the need to create an acceptable atmosphere in order for the presence of the Holy Spirit to envelop us or come upon us. Various words or phrases are used to invite God into our presence or to seek a greater anointing. The truth is, God is not just in us, but as believers in Christ, we’re in Him! The anointing is in us! This combination should bring an assurance that often goes unrealized by His children. There is no need to send an invitation to God, while hoping He’ll respond with an RSVP. He invited us!.
The Bible speaks of a slavery that keeps people in spiritual bondage. When speaking to Jews in one of their synagogues, Jesus referred to a prophecy in Isaiah that indicates the reason He came was to set these captives free with good news — those who were spiritually poor, held captive, blind and oppressed. What was it that was keeping these Jewish people in bondage? It was the very ministry that came through Moses on Mt. Sinai, the ministry they thought would be righteousness for them. Unfortunately, much of the church has inserted fragments of that old, obsolete ministry into the Christian mindset, and it has brought unnecessary misery to many believers today. The good news is Jesus provided the way of escape.
Part 3 in our series on the third chapter of 2 Corinthians includes some fantastic cross references related to the former ministry of condemnation (the law and commandments). Whereas the law that came through Moses brought death, condemnation and bondage, we've been transferred into the ministry of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. The law keeps a veil over hearts, and it can only be taken away when one turns to Christ, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Continuing this week in part two of our short series in the 3rd chapter of 2 Corinthians. The ministry of the Mosaic law (including the ten commandments written on stones), is defined by the Apostle Paul as the ministry of death and condemnation. It’s a ministry that once had glory, but now has come to have no glory at all. Why? It’s a glory that was fading from the beginning with Moses, and was replaced with something more permanent and more glorious… the ministry of the Spirit of the living God, now written upon our hearts within a New Covenant established by Jesus Christ. Although Christian “religion” has been built upon combining the Old with the New, the covenant of death and the covenant of life should never be mixed together.
It’s an important chapter for Christians to familiarize themselves with: 2 Corinthians Chapter 3. There is a significant contrast that the Apostle Paul presents between the former ministry of the Mosaic law the Jews were under before the cross, and the ministry of the Spirit that we live under the New Covenant. Sadly, many Christians will never hear this exciting news taught in their church. This week, we look at Paul’s introduction from the first part of this chapter, as he explains how the former ministry written with ink and on stones did not bring life, but its ministry was to kill.
It’s an important chapter for Christians to familiarize themselves with: 2 Corinthians Chapter 3. There is a significant contrast that the Apostle Paul presents between the former ministry of the Mosaic law the Jews were under before the cross, and the ministry of the Spirit that we live under the New Covenant. Sadly, many Christians will never hear this exciting news taught in their church. This week, we look at Paul’s introduction from the first part of this chapter, as he explains how the former ministry written with ink and on stones did not bring life, but its ministry was to kill.
It comes as a surprise to many Christians who have spent years in church - those of us non-Jewish people (Gentiles) were never considered to be under the Mosaic law. Never. None of it. Not the dietary rules, the sacrificial statutes, or the moral laws. Only Israel had been placed under that law in the Old Covenant, before the sacrifice of Christ. The law brought a curse for those under it - they were required to do it… all of it. Under that covenant, only a doer of the law could be justified. The problem? Nobody had ever done it until Jesus came along and fulfilled the law on our behalf. A New Covenant would be established, where righteousness would be received through faith, apart from the works of the law. Gentiles who were without the law and had no covenant would be gifted with the invitation to enter into this everlasting covenant of life. We died with Christ and have been raised to walk in newness of life.
In Ephesians chapter 2, Paul explains the gospel in the context of two different groups: Those who were born of the Jewish race, and the Gentiles who were born from another tribe or nation, outside of Israel. The Jews were under the law and had a hope within their (first) covenant with almighty God. We who would have been considered Gentiles were without a covenant, without hope, and without God in the world. The Jews were near, Gentiles were far off. What is it that divided or separated these two groups? It was the law of commandments found in ordinances. The Jews pursued righteousness through their works under the law but could not attain it, because “the law is not of faith.” Jesus broke down this wall of separation (the law and commandments) and brought the two together as one man, into one body (the body of Jesus Christ). Instead of works, it is through faith that Jews are made righteous, and we Gentiles are no longer far off or strangers and aliens, but are now members of the household of God.
Today in the New Covenant, Jew and Gentile have been merged together as one. However, gaining an understanding of the separation or the differences between them prior to the cross will help us to see a clearer picture of the gospel, and why Jesus ministered (to the Jews) in the way that He did. Because it is often erroneously assumed by Christians today that Jesus was always ministering a New Covenant teaching that was meant for everyone, believers will lack understanding that references to Gentiles were simply non-Jewish people — those born outside of the Jewish race. Coming to a realization of this will help us to avoid getting confused when it comes to the (expired) old covenant law, and the New Covenant that we abide in today.